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  • Google Wants A Free and Open Web and We Do Too

    Google Wants A Free and Open Web and We Do Too

    Google wants a free and open web, by raising awareness about Open Internet issues globally, today releasing a video and hashtag campaign ahead of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) global meeting in Dubai.
    The call to action:Starting December 3rd, the world's governments are meeting behind closed doors at the ITU to discuss the future of the Internet. Some governments want to use this meeting in Dubai to increase censorship and regulate the Internet.

    Tell the world's governments you support a free and open web at Then spread the word with #freeandopen.It is ours and it is free.A free and open worlddepends on a free and open web.And a free and open web depends on me.

  • 4 New Axe Hair Ads — First Impressions Count

    4 New Axe Hair Ads — First Impressions Count

    The campaign, 'First Impressions Count', comprises four 20-second films which — in typical Axe style — highlight the importance of well styled hair when meeting that special someone for the first time. The ad Axe camapign includes 4 commercials: The Track, Tribe, The Surgeon, and Burglar.
    Client: Axe/Lynx
    Campaign: Axe Hair Styling
    The brief: to launch the updated AXE hair styling range with a new proposition that brings the brand’s unique promise of attraction to the category.

    The creative idea, ‘First Impressions Count’ highlights the importance of well styled hair when meeting that special someone for the first time. The work features style conscious guys taking their time to get their hair just right in unexpected scenarios, needless to say, the women of their affections are suitably impressed.
    David Kolbusz, Deputy Executive Creative Director at BBH London, said: “We wanted to capture a simple truth about guys and their grooming habits. Whenever a man sees a woman he fancies, he tends to touch up his hair before making the initial approach. We dramatised this behaviour by setting it in the most extreme of circumstances.”

    Creative Ad Agency: BBH, London
    BBH Creative Team: Matt Fitch & Mark Lewis and Harry Orton and Robin Warman
    BBH Creative Director: David Kolbusz
    BBH Producer: Charlie Dodd
    BBH Strategic Business Lead: Ngaio Pardon
    BBH Strategy Director: Dan Hauck
    BBH Strategist: Tim Jones
    BBH Team Director: Heather Cuss
    BBH Team Manager: Cressida Holmes Smith
    Production Company: Outsider and Station Films
    Director: Harold Einstein
    Executive Producer: Eric Liney
    Producer: Jon Stopp/Richard Packer
    DoP: Danny Cohen
    Post Production: The Mill
    Editor/Editing House: The Mill
    Sound: Factory

  • Sprint Say No to Sharing "Family Meeting" Commercial

    Sprint Say No to Sharing "Family Meeting" Commercial

    "Sharing is Not Caring" is Sprint's new campaign, which highlights the advantages of Sprint's truly unlimited data plan. Created by Team Sprint — Leo Burnett & Digitas, the TV spot "Meeting" features a typical family gathering gone awry when they realize sharing one data plan can be complicated. The humorous spot shows the conflict that can arise when several people are forced to share a limited amount of data.

    Don't let shared data divide your family. Say no to sharing and yes to Sprint with Truly Unlimited(SM) data, text and calling to any mobile. No throttling, no metering, no overages. All while on the Sprint network.

    Campaign Credits:
    Client/Ad Campaign: "Sharing is Not Caring" Unlimited Campaign
    Agency: Team Sprint — Leo Burnett & Digitas
    SVP, Executive Creative Director: Michael Boychuk
    Associate Creative Director — Art: Ryan Dickey
    Associate Creative Director — Copy: Bryan Karr
    Executive Producer: Nicky Furno
    Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
    Director: Aaron Stoller
    Producer: Mala Vassan
    Director of Photography: Bryan Newman
    Editor: Carlos Lowenstein

  • The Hunt For Fast Adidas miCoach App

    The Hunt For Fast Adidas miCoach App

    Fast football currently dominates the beautiful game with the likes of Lionel Messi, Ashley Young, and David Silva controlling matches across the world. Now, with the launch of the groundbreaking adidas F50 powered by miCoach, adidas is giving UK footballers the chance to prove they’re fast too with their ‘The Hunt For Fast’ campaign.

    adidas is scouring the nation for the fastest 11 amateur footballers in the land. After playing in a match or training session wearing a new pair of f50 boots powered by miCoach, you’ll be able to view your performance data including: average speed, top speed, distance covered and more. Then, you can upload the stats directly onto miCoach and compare them to other players across the country. The players who with fastest times each week will be rewarded with a place in the fastest team ever assembled.

    The adizero F50 miCoach players who make it into the team will be given ultimate recognition for their efforts with personal advertisements appearing in press, online or pitch side hoardings at football matches across the country. Additionally, select winners will get the chance to put their speed to the ultimate test by meeting and competing against some of the fastest professional players in the premier league.

    Thanks to the miCoach chip in the boot, players are able to track their performance as the devise measures 360 degree movement, the number of sprints, and distance covered in the game.
    The chip wirelessly connects to your smart phone, iPad, PC or Mac and uploads your statistics which you can then share via social media channels.

  • Ram Trucks Super Bowl Commercial So God Made A "Farmer"

    Ram Trucks Super Bowl Commercial So God Made A "Farmer"

    The Ram Trucks "Farmer" commercial became an instant classic and one of the most popular ads after it aired during Super Bowl 47. Full transcript below:
    Paul Harvey
    And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker." So God made a farmer.

    God said, "I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the field, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board." So God made a farmer.

    God said, "I need somebody willing to sit up all night with a newborn colt and watch it die, then dry his eyes and say,'Maybe next year,' I need somebody who can shape an ax handle from an ash tree, shoe a horse with hunk of car tire, who can make a harness out hay wire, feed sacks and shoe scraps. Who, during planting time and harvest season will finish his 40-hour week by Tuesday noon and then, paining from tractor back, put in another 72 hours." So God made the farmer.

    God said, "I need somebody strong enough to clear trees and heave bales, yet gentle enough to yean lambs and wean pigs and tend the pink-comb pullets, who will stop his mower for an hour to splint the leg of a meadowlark."

    It had to be somebody who'd plow deep and straight and not cut corners. Somebody to seed, weed, feed, breed, and brake, and disk, and plow, and plant, and tie the fleece and strain the milk,. Somebody who'd bale a family together with the soft, strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh and then reply with smiling eyes when his son says that he wants to spend his life doing what Dad does. "So God made a farmer."

    The ad is the work of creative ad agency: The Richards Group, USA.

  • 2nd Annual StreetART Toronto Hoping For More Large Scale Projects

    2nd Annual StreetART Toronto Hoping For More Large Scale Projects

    Whether you look to the 80-foot-long mosaic at the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal, the giant white wording ‘You’ve Changed’ on the side of a building near Queen Street West and Ossington Avenue or the Greenwood Village Mural in the Beach, Lilie Zendel said the first year of StreetARToronto (StART) accomplished exactly what the program set out to do.

    “(StART) was created last year as part of the graffiti management program to support and celebrate permitted graffiti and street art,” said Zendel, manager of the City of Toronto program.

    StART is administered by the Public Realm Section of the Transportation Services Division at the City of Toronto and aims to develop, support, promote and increase awareness of street art and its role in adding beauty and character to neighbourhoods across Toronto.

    StART hosted a meeting at MOCCA in West Queen West on Jan. 21 to wrap up their inaugural year and share details of this year’s program.
    In 2012 StART partnered with 20 Toronto organizations to create 48 murals across the city, on walls, fences, underpasses, benches and pavement, particularly in areas that are targeted by graffiti.

    The creation of these murals assisted in cleaning up 1,300 pieces of ‘tagging’. More than 60 artists were involved in the projects.

    The challenges that program participants faced in the first year, Zendel said, was finding the funds to match StART grants, which is a criteria of the program, finding walls to use in the city, and managing complaints from building owners, artists, non-profits and Business Improvement Areas.

    The other big issue is maintaining the murals and preventing vandalism. “We certainly want to expand as much as we can in a geographic sense,” Zendel said. In 2013 StART will continue with its Partnership Program and its Diversion Program, which involves at-risk youth. Although StART aims to support artists it does not fund artists directly, but funds projects through organizations.
    Applications for murals to be painted this year are due by April 15 and they can be made through the StART website at
    Applications have to be made by incorporated non-profit or charitable organizations and must operate in Toronto.

    “I personally would like to see some really large-scale projects this year,” Zendel said, adding the maximum funding for the partnership program has been increased to $30,000.

    The StART contribution cannot exceed 70 per cent of the cost of the mural and of that remaining 30 per cent the partner organization must raise at least 15 per cent in cash.

    By the spring of 2013 Zendel said they hope to launch a user-friendly map, which gives the details of the 585 murals and street art pieces found in Toronto. The map would include information about the artists and their inspiration for the work.

    Story by Erin Hatfield via: York Guardian To learn more about the City of Toronto program that aims to beautify communities across the city through street art and wall murals visit

  • There Are A Whole Lot Of David Baileys In This Samsung Ad

    There Are A Whole Lot Of David Baileys In This Samsung Ad

    The new Samsung ad campaign star's 143 'David Baileys' all from the UK, aged between 15 and 74.
    The Baileys were invited to a meeting in London, they included a father and son David Bailey, a DJ, a painter and a priest, with the support of renowned photographer David Bailey, the Samsung NX1000 camera commercial was created and began airing yesterday.

    This massive social networking campaign, the heart of which is "I am David Bailey" and features 143 David Baileys and their peculiar adventures with the Samsung NX1000 — showing that with this camera, you, me, the world, and anyone called David Bailey can shoot like a professional?

    Client: Samsung
    Director: Andrew Lang

  • Gun Control PSA — "How Many More Rounds?"

    Gun Control PSA — "How Many More Rounds?"

    Moms Demand Action has launched a new ad campaign to drive support for new and stronger gun laws in America in the aftermath of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. The video, "How many more rounds?," is an emotive depiction of the damage caused by gun violence. An AR-15 assault weapon is fired in slow motion with each discharged shell casing representing a major shooting in America. The video ends with the message, "How many more rounds are we going to let this go on for?" along with a phone number to the Congress switchboard.
    Story via: SUSAN KRASHINSKY | The Globe and Mail — Shell casings from a black AR-15 rifle spin in slow-motion flight. Each one is labelled with the name of a school or a city where a mass shooting has taken place: Columbine; Carson City; Virginia Tech; Aurora and Minneapolis and Brookfield and Newtown.
    This new television ad wades into the debate over gun legislation in the United States at a crucial time, as the Senate prepares to vote Thursday on President Barack Obama’s proposals to stem gun violence. But the agency behind it is located in Canada.

    Grey Canada has been working with a newly formed group seeking to brand itself as the Mothers Against Drunk Driving of the gun debate: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The partnership came about after chief creative officer Patrick Scissons, on vacation south of the border over Christmas, saw a news segment with Shannon Watts, the founder of the group that at the time was called One Million Moms for Gun Control.
    Mr. Scissons was moved to reach out to Ms. Watts and ask whether she needed help with the cause. From that conversation, Grey landed on the pitch list for agencies and then secured the account to do pro bono advertising work – something nearly every agency does for a select portfolio of causes.
    The group’s first television campaign will launch on networks such as CNN and MSNBC and in smaller markets as the group’s members lobby for time on local stations.
    Ms. Watts says she was inspired by the MADD brand.
    “It really changed the culture and the perceptions around driving while intoxicated,” she said. “There’s an important role moms play in touching the emotions of America.”
    As the group gained traction, Grey did a number of smaller promotions, including one involving a typically Canadian perspective. Noting that the popular candy Kinder Surprise Eggs are banned in the U.S. – because of the alleged choking hazard – the Canadian advertising team worked up an Easter campaign sending eggs to Anderson Cooper and other news personalities. The point was that there are more limits on Kinder eggs in the U.S. than there are on the purchase of assault rifles.
    The group’s influence has been growing, which Ms. Watts attributes to the power of social media. Since it was launched in December, it now has roughly 90,000 members in 90 chapters across the U.S. On March 28, some members were invited to the White House to stand on stage while the President spoke about gun legislation.
    The new ad is darker than the Easter campaign – the images of shell casings are accompanied by audio of 9-1-1 calls, news reports and solemn presidential addresses about shooting incidents, and the voices of parents whose children have been killed.
    The organization’s goals include background checks for gun purchases, a ban on assault weapons, and the tracking and regulation of ammunition sales in large quantities. It is funded by the members and by online donations.
    The gun debate is not only a focus for the Canadian office of Grey Group, which is a multinational firm; in a meeting last fall, Mr. Scissons and Tor Myhren, chief creative officer and president of Grey New York, discussed it as an issue deserving consideration.
    For agencies, these types of free public service announcements are a creative opportunity as well.
    “You talk about agencies really wanting to do breakthrough work, work that strikes a chord emotionally and really motivates public opinion, the public service space is obviously the greatest area for that,” Mr. Scissons said. “Any profile it brings the agency based on the success of that work is great. But on a personal standpoint, feeling a connection and being passionate about the cause, it’s infectious within a shop.”

  • Obama has promised to expiate fault before Indians

    Obama has promised to expiate fault before Indians

    Barack Obama

    Barack Obama has promised to expiate fault of US authorities before the American Indians, informs USA Today. "I know, that it means, when you ignore and forget, that means to struggle from last forces so while I in the White House, you will not be forgotten", — has declared Obama at opening of conference of American Indian tribes.

    Leaders of American Indian tribes in the White House

    Representatives of 564 tribes recognised as the federal government, almost four hundred breeding heads have been invited to conference in the White House the invitation have accepted. The meeting, the first in own way since 1994, has taken place against proceeding lawsuits of many tribes with the government because of disputes on the rights to the earths.

    "Very few people Washington so long isolated and ignored, as radical Americans", — the president has noted. According to the head of the state, Indians have all bases that with suspicion to concern the authorities: "To you said, that your earths, your religion, your culture, your languages — that all it does not belong to you".

    Obama has declared, that the administration of the president has already taken measures for the help to Indians. So, in the 787-milliard plan of stimulation of economy of 100 million dollars have allocated for creation of workplaces in American Indian communities, 500 million — on development of American Indian public health services and still almost as much — on various educational programs.

    The adviser of the president for affairs of Indians

    Besides, Obama has underlined, that has executed a pre-election pledge, and Indians have received a powerful voice in new administration. In particular, the representative of American Indian tribe Kimberly Teehee became the adviser of the president for affairs of Indians, and the post of the deputy minister of internal affairs on American Indian affairs is registered for Larry EchoHawk.

    Related Posts: Life

  • Axe "Susan Glenn" Fear No — Extended Version with Kiefer Sutherland

    Axe "Susan Glenn" Fear No — Extended Version with Kiefer Sutherland

    AXE Fear No "Susan Glenn" new TV commercials are a nice surprise considering there are no bikini clad women, instead we meet Susan Glenn and see Kiefer Sutherland as he looks back on meeting Susan Glenn.

    Ad Agency: BBH, New York

  • Chevy Silverado 2012 Super Bowl XLVI Ads "Dave Drove A Ford"

    Chevy Silverado 2012 Super Bowl XLVI Ads "Dave Drove A Ford"

    Chevy creates an epic end of the world Super Bowl ad and slams Ford in the process.
    2012 Chevy Super Bowl XLVI Commercials: A man drives his Chevy Silverado through an apocalyptic world predicted by the Mayan calendar. Unfortunately, not everyone makes it to the meeting point. Dave didn't make, Dave drives a Ford, best part of this ad has to be the Twinkies.

  • Old Spice Hires A WolfDog and He Is Hiring A Personal Assistant

    Old Spice Hires A WolfDog and He Is Hiring A Personal Assistant

    Old Spice is pleased to announce their new official Chief Director of Marketing, Mr. Wolfdog. He's a wolfdog, so he'll be great at marketing.

    Oh it gets better, the Wolfdog is looking to hire a Personal Assistant...

    Want to be Mr. Wolfdog's personal assistant? Good, because he needs one right now. Hurry, watch this computer video for details and then reply on the Twitters with #workforwolfdog, you can find the him at @OldSpice.

    Ad agency Wieden + Kennedy are the creative masterminds behind the new Old Spice WolfDog campaign.

    For the rest of us still living in reality Google is working on talking sneakers, yes really so take off your Google Glasses and check out the shoes HERE.

    Oh, that sounded a little too far out there for you, maybe you would enjoy meeting Steve Casino, he is an artist and he creates stunning art pieces of celebrities, see his work HERE, btw he uses a single peanut shell per creation...I know it's stuff dreams are made of.

  • The Courageous Act

    The Courageous Act
  • Reebok Skyscape Runaround featuring Miranda Kerr

    Reebok Skyscape Runaround featuring Miranda Kerr

    DDB New York just launched a new global campaign, featuring supermodel Miranda Kerr, for Reebok's new Skyscape shoe...and looks looks stunning in it.

    Official Press: Reebok, the fitness brand at the center of women’s footwear innovations for more than 30 years, today revealed its new campaign with international supermodel Miranda Kerr for its new shoe, Skyscape. Created using new materials and techniques for a feeling of unparalleled comfort, the international style icon kicks off a global integrated marketing campaign for the shoe, which is so comfortable, you’ll forget you have it on.

    An everyday shoe for active and casual wear, Skyscape features 360 degrees of foam comfort in a fun, flirty silhouette that pairs perfectly with jeans, skirts or yoga pants. The challenge behind Skyscape was to create a stylish shoe that would keep women comfortable when they are on their feet all day running errands, meeting friends, commuting to work or going to the gym. Rather than just thinking about comfort underneath the foot, Reebok wanted the foot to be enveloped in comfort. In the research and development phase, Reebok looked to other industries for inspiration. For the pillow-like design of the sole of the shoe, the inspiration came from the home furnishings industry, while for the upper, the inspiration came from the lingerie industry – and specifically, molded foam bras.

    The Skyscape upper is crafted using the same manufacturing techniques and processes as molded foam bras, but using materials that have been optimized for the stresses and strains placed on the feet all day. The seamless, 2-way stretch material creates a soft, comfortable envelope around the top and sides of the foot, while allowing for natural foot movement and breathability. The sole of the shoe resembles cloud-like pillows, and provide cushioning, comfort and flexibility for all-day comfort. The flirty lace-up silhouette comes in a broad range of colors to match any outfit or mood.

    A fully integrated marketing campaign featuring style icon Miranda Kerr will launch the shoe, which hits retail outlets globally in March. With TV, print, retail, PR an digital components, the campaign works on all channels to demonstrate the way Skyscape feels and will have women everywhere wondering about the shoe that’s so comfortable, you’ll forget you have it on. Both the film and static elements of the campaign playfully center on this idea and were brought to life by legendary fashion photographer Gilles Bensimon, who captured the static imagery, and famed music video director Dave Myers who shot the TVC. DDB New York is the creative agency behind the campaign.

    “I’m on the move all day so it’s important to have a pair of shoes that balance comfort, style and practicality,” said Miranda Kerr. “My Skyscape shoes are a wardrobe staple that come with me everywhere I go, they’re the perfect in-between shoe to wear to work, running errands or to the gym, and because they’re lightweight and compact they’re also great for travel. Skyscapes come in a range of fashionable colors so there’s a pair for every outfit!”

    Martina Jahrbacher, Head of Reebok Walking, commented, “Reebok has a rich heritage in developing product especially for women and of looking outside of the footwear industry for the newest techniques, and I am proud to say that we have done it again with Skyscape. It took us more than two years to complete this shoe, as we were dedicated to creating a shoe that will perfectly support our active female consumer and, at the same time, was unlike any other shoe in the industry. At Reebok, we’re constantly looking for new ways to develop the best footwear and the innovative processes we’ve incorporated to develop Skyscape have created a shoe that you really have to try on to believe.”

    Creative Credits:
    Ad Agency: DDB New York
    Campaign: “Layers Off”
    Client: Reebok
    Product: SkyScape
    Celebrity Spokesperson: Miranda Kerr

    Chief Creative Officer: Matt Eastwood
    Creative Director, Art: Mariana Costa
    Creative Director, Copy: Julie Beasley
    Head of Production: Ed Zazzera
    Senior Producer: Heidi Baltzer
    Senior Business Manager: Lynda Blaney-Smith
    Global Business Director: Chris Tussing
    Management Supervisor: Damaris Marszalek
    Account Supervisor: Amanda Foderaro

    Production Company: Radical Media
    Director: Dave Meyers
    Executive Producer: Jim Bouvet, Maya Brewster
    Head of Production: Frank Dituri
    Producer: Carla Tate

    Editorial: Rock Paper Scissors
    Editor: Mikkel Neilsen
    Executive Producer: Eve Kornblum

  • Executive Search Firm Sends A Pitch To The Vatican

    Executive Search Firm Sends A Pitch To The Vatican

    Jason Associates is an executive search, training and development company. Using the conclave at the Vatican as inspiration, Jason Associates communicates, in an original and creative way, its services. BAR created an open letter to the cardinals meeting at the Vatican, that was published today in Público, one of the most important newspapers in Portugal. In the letter, Jason Associates showcases its experience in the selection of the best candidates for “leadership missions”. Even knowing that the decision will be, as always, “guided by the holy spirit”, the executive search company offers to share its experience and expertise with the conclave, so that the world can see white smoke rising from the chimney on top of the Sistine chapel as soon as possible.

    Created by the advertising agency: Bar, Lisbon, Portugal via:

  • StinkDigital Controls The Weather for Geox Amphibiox

    StinkDigital Controls The Weather for Geox Amphibiox

    To launch GEOX’s newest collection of Amphibiox all-weather footwear, SMFB and Stinkdigital partnered to create ‘You Control The Weather’, an interactive film where the user influences the outcome of the story by taking control of the weather elements.

    Set in urban surroundings, the film is a love story between two strangers who face extreme weather changes that impact the course of their day. Choosing between sun, rain or snow, the user is prompted by the story narrator to set the weather of each scene in the hope to orchestrate a serendipitous meeting between the two potential lovers.

    Each scene and weather setting impacts the footwear worn by the individuals as they take their journey across the city. With the integration of a hand crafted 3D camera mapping technique, the user can zoom in on frozen moments to explore the footwear in 360°. As the camera revolves around, the user can quickly navigate through different conditions to see how each shoe’s unique performance is optimised regardless of the weather. All footwear featured in the film can be purchased at any point in the story with a click through to the online store.

    The responsive site allows users to experience the interactive film across different platforms and is specifically optimised for touch screen devices. The film was directed by Jonathan Entwistle.

    This launch follows ‘The Rainiest Place on Earth’, an interactive documentary following four volunteers who test the GEOX Amphibiox footwear in Cherrapunjee, a village in northern India with the highest annual rainfall on the planet. Awarded a Gold Cyber Cannes Lion in 2013.

    About Stinkdigital
    Stinkdigital is an interactive production company, working with clients and advertising agencies worldwide. Our services include creative concepting, design and high-end execution. We create everything from live-action films and websites, through to mobile apps and installations.

    About SMFB
    SMFB is a creatively driven, full service advertising agency. We’re an independent, efficient and hard working organization with a diverse set of skills. At SMFB we pride ourselves in creating consumer & business relevant integrated communication, to inspire and change behaviour.

    About Director
    Jonathan Entwistle is recognised as being one of the finest up-and-coming British filmmakers working today. His first short film ‘Human Beings’ was premiered exclusively online to 45,000 people and shortlisted for a 2012 Vimeo award. He is currently working with Film4 on a feature length adaptation of Charles Forsman’s The End of the Fucking World.

  • Promissory note Porsche makes 14 billion euro

  • Food Porn — D4D Has 2 Shorts Selected To NYC Food Film Festival

    Food Porn — D4D Has 2 Shorts Selected To NYC Food Film Festival

    Two short films directed by Matt Checkowski and produced by The D4D, Porter Braised Ox "Cheek" and "Mixed Berries, Three Ways",” have been named part of the official selection for the 7th Annual NYC Food Film Festival, which runs October 23rd — 27th, 2013 in New York City.
    The Food Film Festival ( sprang from the imagination of Festival Director and Travel Channel host George Motz, the documentary filmmaker behind the award-winning Hamburger America film and book, along with co-creator Harry Hawk. Through documentaries, features and short films, the Festival showcases the best, and the most memorable, of the world’s favorite foods. Along with a heaping helping of mouth-watering films, Motz, Hawk and company serve up the food that guests are watching on the screen for a multi-sensory experience.

    “I am excited to be a part of the festival and to screen these short films for audiences who share our passion for unique food experiences,” notes Matt Checkowski, Director/Founder of The D4D. “Connecting the visual narratives with a story for the palate makes for an inspired take on the traditional film festival.”
    Porter Braised Ox Cheek" and "Mixed Berries, Three Ways” feature Chef Martin Berg of Michelin-starred restaurant Mathias Dahlgren as he prepares some of his favorite dishes. The films are part of a near painterly short film series surrounding Berg’s appreciation and mastery of fine ingredients. Each unfolds in reverse; an homage to culinary magic.
    This is the second time The D4D and Matt Checkowski have had work in the Food Film Festival. Two years ago the Chicago iteration screened its short film for Intelligentsia “Espresso” The film is part of a series created for Intelligentsia’s core audience of coffee obsessives and artisanal culturistas.
    Food and drink are reoccurring themes in The D4D's storytelling. Checkowski recently curated a collection of stills taken during his culinary content adventures, exploring the oldest bakery in Berlin, meeting the rock star butcher of London and a master class with the Pope of Foam. Read more about Matt’s tales from behind the counter:

  • The Blushing Bride

    The Blushing Bride



    American filmmaker Paul Feig was always the bridesmaid and never the bride when it came to his career. At least that's how he saw it. But at 48-years old he's now the blushing bride. The writer, director and producer's latest film Bridesmaids is a colossal success, having just passed the $130 million mark at the US box office and opening in Australia last week. Feig said he relates to the central character Annie (Kristen Wiig) who's at a slump in her professional and personal life.

    ``It's the exactly kind of story I do in everything,'' he said.
    ``This person doesn't know where they belong in the grand scheme of things and that appeals to me because that's how I feel in every single moment of my life, even when things are going right.
    ``That's how I felt for a lot of my career. I mean, I think I'm making good work and then . . .
    ``Bridesmaids is the first thing I've had a big part in that's been successful.''

    Success is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to Feig. After meeting Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, The 40-Year Old Virgin) when they were both teenagers and doing stand-up together, the pair created Emmy-nominated teen series Freaks and Geeks. It was cancelled before the end of the first season, but not before it launched the careers of its stars James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jason Segel and Linda Cardellini. It also became a cult hit. Feig went on to direct several unsuccessful features such as I Am David and Unaccompanied Minors, before making a considerably more successful return to TV directing Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Mad Men, Weeds and the US version of The Office.

    But it was Apatow who coaxed him back to the big screen with a ``fantastic script'' from former Saturday Night Live star Kristen Wiig and her writing partner Annie Mumolo.

    ``With Bridesmaids, we wanted to tell a very relatable and real story that appealed to both women and men,'' he said.
    ``It was easy to avoid all the pitfalls of the chick flick genre because it's not how any of us thought.
    ``Those types of films come from people doing things they think women want to see, which is really condescending.
    ``We knew we wanted to go R-rated with it and we wanted women to see other women on screen who are just as dirty as they are.''

    From suffering food poisoning in a bridal shop to dropping the C-bomb, the ensemble cast of Bridesmaids don't play clean. Feig said he and executive producer Apatow even shot a PG-version of every scene in case the women at test screenings didn't like it.

    ``But they loved it,'' he said.

    The film follows a rag-tag group of Bridesmaids as they're led through the pre-wedding rituals of bachelorette parties, bridal showers and dress fittings. Led by Wiig, Bridemaids also stars Melissa McCarthy, Jon Hamm, Aussies Rose Byrne and Rebel Wilson (Thank God You're Here, Fat Pizza) in her first big Hollywood role. Wilson plays the sister of Annie's weird room mate, Little Britain's Matt Lucas.

    ``I'm so happy Rebel's in it, I'm such a big fan of hers,'' said Feig.
    ``The room mates weren't originally in the script but we knew Matt Lucas wanted to do something in the film but we didn't know where or what.
    ``Then Rebel came in to audition for one of the bridemaids and she was so hilarious, I turned and said to Judd `she looks like Matt's sister.'
    ``She's such a great improvisational comedienne and it's so exciting to have her in it.''

    With Bridemaids a financial and critical success and talk of a sequel, Feig and Apatow are now working on another comedy starring Mad Men's Jon Hamm. Hamm has openly spoken about his appreciation of the skilled and suave Fieg - who's known for wearing a suit to work everyday.

    ``Other directors are just a bunch of slobs,'' joked Feig, in reference to the director's stereotype of casual dressers.
    ``I've been doing it for the past 11 years.
    ``In fact, I went to direct Mad Men and I showed up on the first day and they thought I was there for casting.''
  • Rob Ford Savours HERO Burger Chain Win At Toronto City Hall

    Rob Ford Savours HERO Burger Chain Win At Toronto City Hall

    CBCNews has confirmed that the HERO Certified Burgers was awarded the primo City Hall location and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford savours the burger chain win.

    Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was claiming victory on Wednesday night after an emotional, at times angry debate at City Hall.

    Despite a packed meeting agenda, city councillors spent nearly three hours arguing over whether to allow a Hero Burger to open outside city hall.

    "Are we really spending hours talking about burgers in the square?," Ward 15 Coun. Josh Colle tweeted.

    The motion eventually passed after councillors voted 22-16 in favour of the move.

    “It will be good,” the mayor said.

    The restaurant had a previous bid thrown out by city council, who then wanted a restaurant offering a more diverse menu.

    It all makes perfect sense now doesn't it Toronto? Let's just hope our Mayor decides to go for a few Hero Thin Burgers instead of his norm.