Public Awareness
"Road Rage" PSA Spot For Project Winter Survival
MADD Canada PSA "Impact"
Get Your Hands On Some Bauballs This Christmas
Puppies Are Not Toys — PSA Spot by ASPCA
6 Disabled Squatters Preform "Our House" To Raise Awareness For Inclusie Invest
"Emily's Story" for the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada
Google Wants A Free and Open Web and We Do Too
Lost Choir Sing Mad World for the ICF on Universal Children's Day
The Metro Sings "Dumb Ways To Die"
Invisible Parents for LGBT Equality Ad Campaign
Toronto SickKids Sing "You Got It" in New "Together We Will" Ad
Ontario Kids Stick It To Fast Food Urge Us All To Join In Boycott
Solidar "Your Rights First" Ad Campaign
Nike Says So Long To Lance Armstrong
WWF Canada "The Inevitable News"
Jung von Matt/Limmat Pro Infirmis "Get Closer" psa
This Is Why The ALS Bucket Challenge Is So Important
Samsung Galaxy S5 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
In Reverse, The Syria Campaign
Mayor Rob Ford - Accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge