Riace Bronzes to return to Reggio Calabria museum
'Unearthing Arabia: The Archaeological Adventures of Wendell Phillips' at the Freer and Sackler Galleries
Beyond El Dorado: Power and gold in ancient Colombia
Ancient games: an Olympic factfile
The Vikings return in exhibition in Copenhagen and London
Aristotle’s Lyceum in Athens almost ready to open to public
The horse: from Arabia to Royal Ascot at The British Museum
'The Roman villa in Chatalka site: The wealth of a Thracian aristocrat' at the National Museum of Archaeology, Sofia
'The Aztecs, People of the Sun' at Pointe-à-Callière in Montreal
Greek Relief from Archaeological Museum of Athens goes on view at Getty Villa
Tourism makes fresh start with Roman Empire in Algeria
'Indigenous Australia: Enduring Civilisation' at the British Museum
The Springtime of the Renaissance. Sculpture and the Arts in Florence 1400-60 at the Palazzo Strozzi
The myth of Cleopatra at Pinacotheque de Paris
Angry 'gladiators' climb Colosseum in Rome protest
Sicily. Art and Invention Between Greece and Rome at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa
The Greeks – Agamemnon to Alexander the Great exhibition to be presented in Montréal
Exhibition at Oriental Institute shows how ancient cultures commemorated the dead
The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
The Vikings Exhibition at Discovery Times Square, NY