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  • The Great Depression: 1929-1933

    The Great Depression: 1929-1933
    Great depression 1929-1933

    Black Thursday in USA

    On October, 28th, 1929 The Wall Street Journal left under heading: Dow Jones Industrial has fallen on 38,33, that meant index falling on 12,82%. Next day the index has fallen to 30,57 points or 11,73 %. These two days of falling of the market of a steel the second and the third among record days of falling of an index in percent the relation.

    Within 6 days the index (Dow Jones Industrial Average) has lost more than 96 points or about 30%. Within six days the industry has lost 96 points is about 30 % of cost. So one of the most serious economic crises in history began: «Great Depression».

    In a photo — the leading article of newspaper The London Herald from October, 25th, 1929 with heading «WALL STREET CRASH!» And article describing events «Black Thursday in America».

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  • The unemployed — have gone!

    The unemployed — have gone!
    Great depression

    We cant take care of our own.

    Falling of the American stock exchange has caused mass lay-offs. According to the American Federation of work, in 1933 in the USA was 12 830 thousand completely the unemployed, and their share in a labour aggregate number made 24,9%.

    The inscription in a photo says: Jobles Men keep going!

    Related Posts: USA

  • Reboots Relations to USA

    Reboots Relations to USA
  • Gorbachev has urged the American president to repeat reorganisation in America

    Gorbachev has urged the American president to repeat reorganisation in America
    GorbachevClearing of prisoners Guantanama — accident or law? Destruction of vineyards in California — of what does not remind? And turns in food shop of Seattle? The analysis of these and other data unequivocally speaks — to the USA at full speed there is a reorganisation.

    Former Soviet leader Michael Gorbachev hopes, that new US president Barack Obama will undertake reforms and will essentially change the American policy. Already now, for the promised changes in the country, some name Obama "the American Gorbachev"...

    "Own reorganisation" is necessary to America, — Gorbachev in interview to news agency Associated Press has declared. With it some ill-wishers of mister Obama agree also: they recollect, that after Gorbachev's liberal reforms in 1991 Soviet Union has collapsed, and wait, that policy Obamy will lead to the USA to crash.

    ObamaGorbachev, however, is convinced, that strong America is necessary to the world, and financial crisis has clearly shown it. The ex-president of the USSR has urged Washington to use the influence on the blessing of all planet.
    "That is bad for America, is bad for all world", — he has noted.

    Earlier Gorbachev already declared, that only by means of new reorganisation it is possible to win world financial crisis, and also asserted, that the future US president should change seriously a former course to restore balance on a planet.

    Now Gorbachev has added, that many world leaders, including heads of Russia and Iran, aspire to improvement of relations with Washington, and has urged the president not to miss this possibility.

    He has suggested a policy to reconsider the decision on placing of systems ABOUT in Poland and Czechia. Making comments on threat of president Dmitry Medvedev to place a short-range missile in Kaliningrad, Gorbachev has noticed, that it was not attempt to check up on durability of the new US president.
    — It was simple an echo of the past epoch, — he has declared.
    — If you will make it to us, we will answer you the same...
    — It it is not necessary To us.

    PutinSpeaking about, whether Vladimir Putin can return to the Kremlin by early election, Gorbachev has told: "To tell the truth, I do not think...
    It all the same that the United States initiate new elections right after these". He has added, that many Russian consider Putin as stronger leader, but has underlined, that Putin and Medvedev is one command. "To Russia a tandem, a normal tandem, it does not represent danger", — Michael Gorbachev has calmed.

    Related Posts: USA

  • Suzy Favor Hamilton In Knock Out Nike Commercial

    Suzy Favor Hamilton In Knock Out Nike Commercial

    Suzy Favor Hamilton, three-time Olympian and now the $600-an-hour call girl appeared in several commercials, a look back at two of our favorites. The Nike ad from way back featured the sexy Hamilton in a Friday the 13th-ish horror themed spot (Why Sport? You'll Live Longer) that was pulled off the air by NBC after receiving thousands of compliants making light of violence against women.

    Her image could hardly have been better: Athletic. A knockout. All-American. So accomplished and so wholesome that Disneyland hired her for speaking engagements, the Big Ten named an award after her and the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association made her their pitchwoman.

    An "escape," she called it, that was really a way of masking an American Dream coming unhinged — a real-life tragedy that undercut the myth that success, wealth and fame is a surefire path to happiness.

    "I do not expect people to understand," Favor Hamilton said in a frenzied burst of tweets after details about her secret life became public Thursday in a report on The Smoking Gun website. "But the reasons for doing this made sense to me at the time and were very much related to depression."

    Suzy Hamilton looked great in the shower in this Pert Plus commercial (below), she also appeared in ads for Reebok, Clairol, Oakley, Kikkoman Foods, Nordic Track, Viactiv Calcium Chews, sadly she will now only be remembered as a high price call-girl.

  • A Collection Vintage Dickies Menswear Print Ads

    A Collection Vintage Dickies Menswear Print Ads

    Nuggets of Nostalgia: DickiesStore Discovers Marketing Material from Decades Ago Having recently happened upon an archive of advertising artefacts, DickiesStore is happy to release a wealth of ad campaigns from as far back as the 1930s. This treasure trove of relics has got many retrophiles revelling in the rich history of this couture-centric print media that has been unearthed.
    Although the sentiment and commitment to designing top quality workwear and fashion forward casual wear has remained consistent throughout Dickies’ history, these newly discovered gems clearly trace the ebb and flow of advertising and marketing methods over the past 90 years.
    The Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company faced challenging times in its early years, as the Great Depression was crippling the US economy. But as sturdy and tough as the workwear they were designing, the company weathered the storm and set a benchmark in the industry, marketing themselves as the all-American clothing brand.
    As the 50s came around a great emphasis was placed on Dickies being the premium retailer of attire for the “man of production”. On a societal level times have changed dramatically since then but at that point [see image 2] advertising clearly addressed the fact that Dickies manufactured workwear that was easy wearing, easy looking and easy to maintain.
    Dickies advertising of the 1960s shifted focus somewhat, catering towards the cool kids on campus. The brand identified that scholars wanted to look good and feel comfortable both in and out of class.
    As they introduced imagery of motorcycles and sports cars, the marketing material from the late sixties that DickiesStore recently uncovered clearly spoke to an audience who led a care-free but fashion conscious lifestyle.
    In the late 70s and 80s the Dickies brand broke through with a range of funky apparel that really identified with the pop generation. Dickies exemplified what it meant to be hip, cool and colourful. This sense of fun went hand-in-hand with their continuous pursuit of producing durable and comfortable clothing. Dickies also began more powerfully introducing their iconic logo — the horseshoe – into their campaigns and although it represents a solid, reliable product, when it comes to the manufacturing of top quality workwear, Dickies isn’t in need of any extra luck. via: DickiesStore Blog.

  • The American president creates «NEW RACE»

    The American president creates «NEW RACE»

    The president

    Soon after elections of the American president on the country the wave of propaganda processions of gays and lesbians has swept.

    They demanded equality. If to face the truth, they have equality, anybody does not punish them for in what they are engaged in the personal bedrooms, but they have not enough of it, they constantly excite the public, drawing to themselves attention, propagandising the sexual life, imposing the given type of sexual relations all and all.

    Impose by means of a megaphone of mass-media. Some weeks all television screens, even rather serious news programs, were shaken with war round the Ms. of America. Well the statement of the Ms. of America was not pleasant to one of gays, he has expressed in this occasion rather cynically, but what for to make around it noise all over the country?

    HOPEHave pulled together huge forces, put a microphone to lips of stars and inhabitants, millionaires and politicians.

    The Ms. of America has decided «to beat out a wedge a wedge»: has declared, that the same sights at marriage at an idol of the country of Barack Obama.

    But campaign did not stop, because with arrival of liberals to all double-entry bookkeeping takes place: two we write — one in mind. Officially the president has the wife and children, but informally (because the official press does not discuss this problem) on book shelves there was Larry Sinclair's book «Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair — Cocaine, Sex, Lie and Murder?» About unisex sex of the author with «the future Supreme commander in chief». Why the white House is silent? In his hands the unknown power is concentrated... Probably to the White House it is favourable, that in air hung — "perhaps". After all it too voters.

    Meanwhile, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation — GLAAD with pride has informed on the achievements: «this year after three-year recession number of gays and other representatives of sexual minorities in films more than will double. Programs with heroes LGBT will make 2,6% from all displays of TV in 2009 in comparison with 1,4% in 2005, 1,3% in 2006, and 1,1% in 2007». Active workers of sexual minorities are happy with work of television channels ABC and NBC, but criticise cable networks where the number of their heroes has decreased with 40 to 32, and also channels CBS and Fox.
    Owners of the White House throw down a challenge of traditional morals.
    Barack ObamaAccording to approximately 2,8% of men and 1,4% of women lesbians or bisexuals are identified as gays. Thanks to huge advertising last years of men of 9,1% and 4,3% of women participated in unisex sexual relations at least once. Why participated without physiological predisposition? Because it is fashionable.

    The percent grows thanks to propagation influence. The propagation, the come to power liberals. US State Secretary Hillari Clinton has published an explicit statement on the occasion of a month of gays and the lesbians, founded by her husband in 2000 in which the governmental plans accurately appear: «... I highly appreciate courage and resoluteness of gays, lesbians and the bisexuals, shown by them within last forty years, and I offer our support in that important work, which else it is necessary to execute».

    She has noted and State department work: «We are grateful to our employees-lesbians, gays, bisexuals and the transsexuals working in Washington and worldwide».

    Proceeding from this extremely frank statement, the government is going to entrust these people any extremely important work, important in universal scale...

    Related Posts: USA

  • — Be not afraid of death. A life — only a dream...

    — Be not afraid of death. A life — only a dream...
  • President residence

    President residence
  • Go back to...

    Go back to...
  • Cowboy Malboro — the most influential man

    Cowboy Malboro — the most influential man
    Harley DavidsonIn the United States of America there was a book under the name «101 most influential invented person» in whom authors have tried to investigate as fruits of another's imagination influence our life. The list of the most influential was headed by courageous American cowboy Malboro who has appeared in 1950 and has helped to increase sales of cigarettes.

    Second number in the list — the Big brother from the book «1984» George Oruell, the third — King Arthur embodying as authors speak, lines of the ideal monarch, and fourth place Santa Claus.

    «Santa Claus operates all our economy in the last quarter of year, and without the Christmas grandfather many firms would be ruined», — one of authors of the book Allan Lazar has told.
    Barbie — «the plastic babe» who became the sample for imitation for millions little girls, having introduced the new standard of beauty and style», — is on 43rd place.

    In the list there are also beings absolutely not similar to the person, for example: King-Kong and the Godzilla, the Cinderella and Ancient Greek tsar Midas, Faust and uncle Sam — a symbol of the USA.

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  • 15 American Refuels

    15 American Refuels
  • Inferiority complex

    Inferiority complex
  • Eight

  • China as the world centre

    China as the world centre
    To begin with I suggest to look at a picture in the big permission.Chinese servants
    There is such Chinese artist Lui Liu which is known enough in China. In particular, the picture «Chinese servants» — gives very good understanding about world system in understanding of Chineses in which centre of the Universe without fail settles down Celestial. For the interested China far not a secret, that Chineses the nation haughty though Chineses will not say directly to you it.

    Plot strange enough. Naked and not so naked white aunts in the foreground, some sit on the earth. And Chineses also it is not visible, only are looked through somewhere on a background. At once there is a question on the picture name. Where, actually, servants. It is known, who the Chinese language is extremely rich on symbols and hints that promoted a wide circulation of allegories not only in the literature, but also in the Chinese art as a whole. I do not speak about riches of the numerology, leaving in an extreme antiquity.

    For understanding of a plot of a picture, it is necessary to mean, that it is written in the beginning of 2009 when the world crisis generated by the USA, has captured a planet.

    China, the unique country which crisis has avoided and on which, the West rests hopes, that China will pull out them from an economic crisis.

    Therefore three plates up to the top filled with meal, it is possible to consider as a hint — guzzle the western barbarians, China is rich enough not to allow to die with hunger and you. Clear business, that at barbarians cannot be any culture of meal. They do not own the sticks, therefore the best for them is hands and like a dog from the earth.

    Any country in the world has no the history comparable on duration with history of China. Any nation has no the number comparable to number of Chineses. Now supervises over China Hu Jintao. Pay attention to the Chinese on a background and compare to photo Hu.

    Hu Jintao in image Chinese the hard workers which fruits of works feed also the western rabble in the foreground which in any way does not appreciate it, spilling meal on the earth.
    Hu JintaoPresident
    By the way, about the USA. Quite probably, that the grown fat aunt in the picture centre, just also is image of America.
    Interesting analogies are traced and with other silhouettes.
    One more hint contains in the form of the poured stain. Compare a stain to a USA map.

    The broken egg too is simple so, it symbolises the broken financial system of America.

    USA, map

    I think, that in a picture weight of other allegories which to the western sight simply are not clear. Thus the picture name sets thinking — who will be actually the servant in this world?

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  • Military secret

    Military secret
    Enemies both

    Unique archive of medical photos and the illustrations belonging to army of the USA and being in National museum of health and medicine of the USA, it becomes fast entirely it is free of charge accessible on Flickr according to licence Creative Commons.

    This earlier not published archive contains more than 500 000 unique images — from them approximately 225 000 on the approach and prepare for publication this year.
    All numbering and the publication was executed by Mike Roud, the main employee of archive.

    Working in the evenings, Mike with colleagues has selected almost 800 photos from archive and has laid out in the Network (they are on a hyperlink above), without the special permission from military men. "People pay taxes", — Mike, — "And here speaks your photos. You should have possibility them to see."

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