Black Thursday in USA
On October, 28th, 1929 The Wall Street Journal left under heading: Dow Jones Industrial has fallen on 38,33, that meant index falling on 12,82%. Next day the index has fallen to 30,57 points or 11,73 %. These two days of falling of the market of a steel the second and the third among record days of falling of an index in percent the relation.
Within 6 days the index (Dow Jones Industrial Average) has lost more than 96 points or about 30%. Within six days the industry has lost 96 points is about 30 % of cost. So one of the most serious economic crises in history began: «Great Depression».
In a photo — the leading article of newspaper The London Herald from October, 25th, 1929 with heading «WALL STREET CRASH!» And article describing events «Black Thursday in America».