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  • Microsoft Office 365 "Work From Here" Campaign Takes Over UK Train Stations

    Microsoft Office 365 "Work From Here" Campaign Takes Over UK Train Stations

    Creative ad agency Wunderman has created one of the UK’s biggest ever train station takeovers as part of a new integrated campaign for Microsoft Office 365, across Euston, St Pancras, Glasgow, Paddington, Edinburgh, Manchester and Canary Wharf.

    The "Work From Here" campaign is on a vast scale, incorporating a wide range of media book by UM London, including every digital display in the stations, lawn art, benches with built-in Wi-Fi, paper cups and sandwich bags, traditional outdoor, and special ambient placements on ticket gates, poles, and the tables of several trains.

    Remarkably, the work involves over 300 bespoke executions as each one is tailored to suit every media placement, with no digital display, billboard, lawn, table or bench using the same creative.

    The creative brings humour and personality through references to local vernacular and landmarks in vicinity of the media such as cafés, exits, waiting areas, or timetable boards, to demonstrate the ability to seamlessly work on the go from any location with Microsoft Office 365.

    The campaign, which launches this week, also introduces a medium that has never been used before – train tables. Wunderman will be the first ever agency to pioneer this new medium across three rail services, on the Stanstead Express and Greater Anglia and Southern railway lines. With free Wi-Fi and tables labelled as 'Boardoom One' or 'Conference Room', commuters could trial Office 365 while hurtling across the country.

  • Your Office Is No Place For A Christmas Party | Strike Australia Will Make It All Better

    Your Office Is No Place For A Christmas Party | Strike Australia Will Make It All Better

    In Australia Strike Bowling will save your Christmas Party from enividable doom and save many of us from the aftermath of one too many an Egg Nog. This fun TV spot from agency Loud & Clear entitled "Your Workplace is No Place For A Party" could very well have been shot in just about any office any where in the world, lord knows we've had a few we'd like to forget ourselves.
    In an earlier campaign, customers were asked to describe their very worst office Christmas party experiences. They then created an ad featuring some of the worst, with the chance to win an unforgettable party for you and 25 colleagues at Strike Bowling.
    Brand: Strike Bowling
    Headline: Your workplace is no place for a party
    Advertising Agency: Loud&Clear Creative, Melbourne, Australia
    Agency website:
    Creative Director: Keith Walsh
    Copywriter: Joel Beath
    Photographer: David Rusanow
    Director: Jordan Prosser

  • Becel’s “Love Letter” Reminds Moms To Take Care Of Themselves Too

    Becel’s “Love Letter” Reminds Moms To Take Care Of Themselves Too

    To get women to make heart healthy choices and reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke, Becel and The Heart and Stroke Foundation invited moms to what they thought was a regular school play. Instead, each kid read their mom a personal, heartfelt letter explaining how well she takes care of them. Moms were then asked to take care of themselves too. Developed by DDB Canada's Toronto office, the integrated campaign encourages women to take better care of their health. Full press below.

    Toronto, January 24, 2013 — Heart disease and stroke is a leading cause of death for women in Canada1, yet 80 per cent of the risks can be reduced through lifestyle changes. To encourage women to prioritize their own well-being, Becel® recently launched a heartwarming integrated advertising campaign encouraging moms to take action and take better care of their health.

    Becel® is the founding sponsor of the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s The Heart Truth™ campaign, which calls on women to put their own health first by assessing their risk for heart disease and stroke, talking to their doctor, and making heart healthy lifestyle choices in order to enjoy a long and healthy life with their loved ones.

    “Heart disease and stroke take one in three Canadian women before their time2, resulting in too many children losing their mothers,” says Margaret McKellar, senior marketing manager – Spreads Canada. “Becel wants to drive home the relevance of heart disease and stroke with women and provide them with the tools necessary to make positive changes in their lives.”

    With moms more likely to listen to their children than a marketing message, Becel® enlisted the help of elementary school students of an Ottawa public school to surprise their moms by reading aloud heartfelt letters explaining, in their own words, how well their mothers take care of them. The emotional live event created in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, was filmed for the campaign.

    “Women put too much pressure on themselves and sometimes are so focused on the health and happiness of their family that their own health is sacrificed,” says Denise Rossetto, mother of twins and creative director at DDB Canada. “If a woman doesn’t look after herself, she may not be around for her family.”

    Developed by DDB Canada’s Toronto office, the national integrated campaign, includes English and French versions of the spot “Love Letters,” an online video, entitled “It’s OK Mom” that people can personalize to encourage a mom and share with their social networks, and digital advertising, which is being supported with public relations and a blogger outreach program. To learn heart healthy tips, get a behind-the-scenes look of the commercial and read the children’s love letters, consumers can visit the campaign site:

    The campaign is the result of collaboration between Becel’s agency partners, with DDB Canada’s Toronto office responsible for the strategy, mass, digital and social executions, working closely with DDB Canada Montreal (French adaptation), Edelman (public relations and social media), Mindshare (media), Integrated (shopper marketing) and Ariad Communications (eblast), in partnership with Sapient who is responsible for

    The “Love Letters” TV spot launched on January 21, 2013, followed by cinema and digital campaign elements in market the first week in February for Heart Month.

    DDB Canada has partnered with Unilever Canada as Becel’s agency of record since 2009.

  • Microsoft Launches First Ever Multi-Product Christmas Advertising Campaign

    Microsoft Launches First Ever Multi-Product Christmas Advertising Campaign

    18 October 2011: Last night Microsoft launched its first ever global, multi-product advertising campaign designed to showcase the unique everyday experiences that can be realised through its latest products and services. With an investment of over £5.5 million, it encompasses Windows, Windows Phone, Xbox for Kinect and Office to demonstrate an interconnected family scenario. The first in a series of 30-second TV ads aired at 20:15 during The Gadget Show on Channel Five and will run until the end of January.

    The campaign, led by US ad agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky, includes activity across TV, digital and search and will roll out globally across 35 countries including UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

    Over the last year Microsoft has launched some of the industry’s most innovative and compelling products, such as Windows Phone and Kinect. These, combined with Windows and Office, provide a unique experience for the consumer. The campaign showcases the interconnected story through visual and relatable moments in everyday life for families around the world. It will provide a deeper understanding of how the products work together and inspire audiences to stay connected this Christmas.

    The inaugural advert shows a family witnessing some embarrassing ‘dad dancing’ to Dance Central 2 on Xbox 360 Kinect which is unknowingly captured on his daughter’s Windows Phone. She shares the footage with her brother who edits and remixes it in Windows Live Movie Maker on his Windows PC, before uploading it to SkyDrive – where it is beamed to friends and family around the world. The living-room scenario showcases the connectivity of Microsoft’s suite of products and their integration on consumers’ everyday lives.

    Paul Davies, Director of Marketing Communications at Microsoft UK commented: “In the run up to the festive season our thoughts turn to keeping in touch with loved ones. The great technology from Microsoft enables people to do this in new and exciting ways. Our latest campaign demonstrates just some of the things that that families can do using Windows PCs, Windows Phones, Kinect for Xbox, and Office to communicate with each other. Not only is it simple and easy, but the technology can enable them to stay connected, often in entertaining and surprising ways.”

  • Samsung Galaxy Note II "Office Upgrade" Commercial

    Samsung Galaxy Note II "Office Upgrade" Commercial

    New commercial for the Samsung Galaxy Note II entitled "Office Upgrade" by ad agency 72andSunny.

    With Multi Window features, the Galaxy Note II makes the perfect office companion.

  • The Gap Denim Gets Colorful In New Spring Collection Ad

    The Gap Denim Gets Colorful In New Spring Collection Ad

    Under the creative leadership of Producer/Composer Chris Heidman, the Minneapolis office of HiFi Project was called on recently by ad agency Peterson Milla Hooks for a whimsical, new Spring 2013 campaign for The GAP. HiFi Project collaborated closely with popular DJ/Electronic Artist KI:Theory to add just the right musical color to the new ad.

    When it comes to music, GAP is known as a forward-thinking brand,” explains HiFi Project Creative Director/Co-Founder Paul Robb. “When we were presented with the striking imagery for the ‘Skimmers’ campaign, we knew we would have to provide music that was just as bright, fresh, and new as the picture. In addition to our original tracks, we approached Ki:Theory, the cutting-edge DJ/Electronic artist and friend of HiFi; and it was his track that succeeded in capturing the mood of the spot perfectly.”

    “Using toy pianos, manipulated vocals, and a wide variety of ‘cut-and-paste’ production techniques, Ki:Theory was able to take a pretty traditional group of instrumental sounds and combine them into something that sounds newer than new, but still somehow sounds familiar,” adds Chris Heidman, who oversees the Minneapolis office of HiFi.

    “HiFi Project was great to work with on this new, spring campaign for The Gap,” concludes Daron Walker, Music Supervisor for Peterson Milla Hooks. “They have access to a truly diverse and talented group of artists. I was familiar with Ki:Theory, and when HiFi suggested him, I knew he was going to be the perfect fit for this project. I gave them a broad idea of what we were looking for, and we really worked well through the creative process together.”

    Agency: Peterson Milla Hooks
    Executive Creative Director: Dave Peterson
    Head of Production: Aldo Hertz
    Broadcast Producer: Sean Healey
    Music Supervisor: Daron Walker
    Account Supervisor: Liz Sudit
    Account Representative: Erica Lachat
    Production Company: Bees and Honey
    Directors: Alexander Dynan/Dave Peterson
    DP: Alexander Dynan
    Line Producer: Bianca Cochran
    Editorial: Channel Z/Minneapolis
    Editor: Brett Astor
    Producer: Kelly Thaemart
    VFX/Finishing: Pixel Farm
    VFX Supervisor: Kurt Angel
    VFX Producer: Krystal Lamoureux
    Music Company: HiFi Project
    Creative Director: Paul Robb
    Executive Producer: Birgit Roberts
    Producer: Chris Heidman
    Composer: Ki:Theory

  • AXE Hair New "Office Love" Commercial

    AXE Hair New "Office Love" Commercial

    In typical Axe fashion, a woman's torso is the star in the newest commercial for Axe Hair entitled "Office Love." I hate to admit it but I like it. Axe claims, "it's not our fault we're visual creatures....Hair. It's What Girls See First."

    Ad Agency: BBH, New York

  • Smile Naturally In An Uncomfortable Situation With The Green Beaver

    Smile Naturally In An Uncomfortable Situation With The Green Beaver

    For those times when holding that perfectly fake smile is important Canadian Green Beaver Toothpaste will keep your teeth pearly white as we see in this new ad campaign for the Beaver toothpaste. Above is the "Wedding" commercial and below the "Politician" and "Office" spots. See all of Green Beaver's product line made with all natural ingredients at

    Holding a natural smile in an uncomfortable situation can be a tiresome thing, so if you have to do it, you had better do it with a bright clean smile.

    This three-spot campaign for The Green Beaver Company's all-natural Frosty Mint Toothpaste was created direct from client by Untitled Films director Jamie Travis. The other two spots feature an uncomfortable office worker and some tense nuptials.

    Agency: Untitled Content, Toronto
    Creative Directors: James Davis, Jamie Travis
    Art Director: Daniel Del Toro
    Copywriters: Adriana Leite, Ridley Yung
    Production Company: Untitled Films, Toronto
    Director: Jamie Travis
    Director of Photography: Sean Valentini
    Line Producer: Tom Evelyn
    Editorial Company: Rooster
    Editor: Paul Jutras
    On-line: Mike Bishop, Track & Field
    Color: Wade Odlum, Alter Ego
    Music and Sound Design: Grayson Matthews

    Thanks Shannon.

  • Isn't it bromantic? — or Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?

    Isn't it bromantic? — or Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?


    “Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?”

    If the modern woman uttered these lines from her balcony, you can bet your bard Romeo would not be there to hear them. In fact, the modern Romeo would most likely be at his best friend Julian’s place having a few beers while watching `the game’. Sure, it is not the traditional plot of a romance, but stories of a man and woman falling in love are of little importance to cinema audiences these days. The new niche market is man and man love stories.

    No, I’m not referring to Brokeback Mountain syndrome, rather the current cinema trend of bromantic comedies. Gone are the days when audiences would fork out their hard earned cash to see any film where Hugh Grant would stutter, twitch and be British for two hours before sweeping the girl off her feet. No longer do people turn to butter at the sight of Julia Roberts flashing her signature smile whilst wondering whether they can climb into her mouth. Instead, audiences now want their romantic comedies served with a large side of testosterone.

    Coined in the nineties, the term bromance refers to a close but non-sexual relationship between straight men. The portrayal of this form of homosocial intimacy on the big screen isn’t a new phenomenon. One only has to look at films such as Wayne’s World and Dumb and Dumber for examples of early bromantic comedies, whilst themes of bromance are evident in movies like Good Will Hunting and Clerks. However, only recently has the bromantic comedy formula emerged as a stand-alone genre.

    Why, you ask? Blame filmmaker Judd Apatow and his uber-successful films Talladega Nights: The Ballard of Ricky Bobby and Superbad which highlighted the box-office earning potential of the male love story. Initially the first two or three films were a clever twist on the formula of a tired genre; boy meets boy, boy loses boy, boy gets boy back. Yet bromantic comedies are now as frequent as Lindsay Lohan at a bottle shop.

    I guess you cannot blame Apatow for every entry into the never-ending stream of bromantic comedies. That would be like blaming George Clooney for Ocean’s Twelve, when really he was only partially responsible. Plus there have been some hilarious films under the bromantic comedy umbrella such as Pineapple Express, The Wedding Crashers and Role Models. But their entertainment value is dimmed under the sheer weight of unoriginal movies raining down.

    It is ironic that given bromantic comedies were initially a fresh take on a spent genre, their greatest problem is the same as the original genre from which they were born. After just seven years of mainstream success, already this cinema trend has become generic. All it takes to make and sell one of these films is a blossoming bromance (obviously), two semi-appealing lead actors and a few penis jokes. Done. Before you can say `dude’, males in their teens to late twenties are queued up down the block to see the latest thing they have seen before.

    The reality is that as long as the formula continues to create box-office revenue, Hollywood studios will keep pumping out bromantic comedies as often and fast as they can until audiences spontaneously self-combust under the sheer weight of onscreen homosocial intimacy. In the meantime, the success of the genre (within a genre) makes me wonder whether we will see the emergence of a bromantic comedy sub-genre. Perhaps fromantic comedies will be the next big earner. After all, who would not want to watch a love story between two people with Afros? Or perhaps toemantic comedies will take over. A price cannot be put on the entertainment value of seeing two kindred spirits’ united by their love for feet and toes in the manner to which Luis Bunuel was accustomed. It would have my ticket. Oh, what a grande take it would be on the notions of timeless romance.

    “Romeo, Romeo, where are thou Romeo?”

    Memo to Juliette: he is over at Julian’s placing playing footsy and sucking his toes.
  • The Sexiest Condo Sales Office In TO Created by Montana Steele

    The Sexiest Condo Sales Office In TO Created by Montana Steele

    Thumbs up to Urban Toronto for getting an image of this cool hallway designed by Montana Steel for the King Blue Condos sales office that opened today.

    Who is Montana Steele...

    Over the last 20 years, dedication, energy and passion have guided Montana Steele Strategic Marketing to create real estate brands that are truly magnetic. This award-winning, Toronto-based advertising agency is today one of the foremost names in the new home development business. With an impressive client list that includes some of North America’s largest developers, Montana Steele Strategic Marketing is an agency that’s committed to creating original and effective communication. With over 60,000 units sold, over $12 billion in sales and over 150 awards won, the numbers literally speak for themselves.

  • Ditch The Tie Gentlemen and SOL Will Give You Free Beer

    Ditch The Tie Gentlemen and SOL Will Give You Free Beer

    Sol brings ‘Espiritu Libre’ to the streets of London. The original Mexican beer films office workers as they ‘lose the tie’ and live a free-spirited life.

    Sol, the original Mexican beer born in 1899, has revealed the hidden ‘free spiritedness’ of London’s desk-bound, 9-to-5ers in a film that sees them ‘Lose the tie, gain some Espiritu Libre’.

    The campaign was created for the HEINEKEN-owned premium packaged lager by The Marketing Store, and captures the reactions of a host of city workers as they answer the call to break free and ‘recycle’ their ties.

    It’s early evening at Canary Wharf and, after a long day at work, city workers are commuting home at Canary Wharf Underground station. At the station, standing next to the standard recycling bins, many are intrigued to see a tie recycling bin, with the words ‘Espiritu Libre’ printed on it.

    We see lots of male city types strip off their ties and drop them into the recycling bin. The intrigue continues when the bin makes an unusual whirring noise as if it’s processing something and, much to the amusement of the men and passers by who have gathered around, we see the severed ends of their ties appear at the flap below. A note is attached to it by a Sol bottle top, bent into a clasp.

    The note reads “Free Beer for a Free Spirit…” and offers a complimentary bottle of Sol at The Ledger Building Bar that evening.

    The film ends by showing one of the men handing over his severed tie at the bar in exchange for a Sol. The barman pins it up on a board next to lots of other chopped-up ties.

    The video is part of Sol’s ‘Espiritu Libre’ experiential activity, which saw the tie recycling bin appear at Jubilee Plaza, Canary Wharf on 21st February.

    Vicente Cortina, Sol Global Manager says: “Sol’s ‘Free Beer for Free Spirits’ movement brings Espiritu Libre to the streets of London. The video shows the magic that can happen when you help city workers declare their independence and enjoy a Sol with friends.”

    Graham Wall, Executive Creative Director at The Marketing Store, says: “The tie can be a symbol of power and success, but it can also be seen as a shackle, part of the daily grind. We wanted to give office workers back a sense of their true selves – to make bold choices and be rewarded for it. The ‘Espiritu Libre’ activity brings out that free-spirited sense of liberation that every bogged-down city worker has in his heart.”

    Director, Phil Hawkins
    Production, Little Fish Films
    Executive Creative Director, Graham Wall, The Marketing Store

  • The Blushing Bride

    The Blushing Bride



    American filmmaker Paul Feig was always the bridesmaid and never the bride when it came to his career. At least that's how he saw it. But at 48-years old he's now the blushing bride. The writer, director and producer's latest film Bridesmaids is a colossal success, having just passed the $130 million mark at the US box office and opening in Australia last week. Feig said he relates to the central character Annie (Kristen Wiig) who's at a slump in her professional and personal life.

    ``It's the exactly kind of story I do in everything,'' he said.
    ``This person doesn't know where they belong in the grand scheme of things and that appeals to me because that's how I feel in every single moment of my life, even when things are going right.
    ``That's how I felt for a lot of my career. I mean, I think I'm making good work and then . . .
    ``Bridesmaids is the first thing I've had a big part in that's been successful.''

    Success is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to Feig. After meeting Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, The 40-Year Old Virgin) when they were both teenagers and doing stand-up together, the pair created Emmy-nominated teen series Freaks and Geeks. It was cancelled before the end of the first season, but not before it launched the careers of its stars James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jason Segel and Linda Cardellini. It also became a cult hit. Feig went on to direct several unsuccessful features such as I Am David and Unaccompanied Minors, before making a considerably more successful return to TV directing Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Mad Men, Weeds and the US version of The Office.

    But it was Apatow who coaxed him back to the big screen with a ``fantastic script'' from former Saturday Night Live star Kristen Wiig and her writing partner Annie Mumolo.

    ``With Bridesmaids, we wanted to tell a very relatable and real story that appealed to both women and men,'' he said.
    ``It was easy to avoid all the pitfalls of the chick flick genre because it's not how any of us thought.
    ``Those types of films come from people doing things they think women want to see, which is really condescending.
    ``We knew we wanted to go R-rated with it and we wanted women to see other women on screen who are just as dirty as they are.''

    From suffering food poisoning in a bridal shop to dropping the C-bomb, the ensemble cast of Bridesmaids don't play clean. Feig said he and executive producer Apatow even shot a PG-version of every scene in case the women at test screenings didn't like it.

    ``But they loved it,'' he said.

    The film follows a rag-tag group of Bridesmaids as they're led through the pre-wedding rituals of bachelorette parties, bridal showers and dress fittings. Led by Wiig, Bridemaids also stars Melissa McCarthy, Jon Hamm, Aussies Rose Byrne and Rebel Wilson (Thank God You're Here, Fat Pizza) in her first big Hollywood role. Wilson plays the sister of Annie's weird room mate, Little Britain's Matt Lucas.

    ``I'm so happy Rebel's in it, I'm such a big fan of hers,'' said Feig.
    ``The room mates weren't originally in the script but we knew Matt Lucas wanted to do something in the film but we didn't know where or what.
    ``Then Rebel came in to audition for one of the bridemaids and she was so hilarious, I turned and said to Judd `she looks like Matt's sister.'
    ``She's such a great improvisational comedienne and it's so exciting to have her in it.''

    With Bridemaids a financial and critical success and talk of a sequel, Feig and Apatow are now working on another comedy starring Mad Men's Jon Hamm. Hamm has openly spoken about his appreciation of the skilled and suave Fieg - who's known for wearing a suit to work everyday.

    ``Other directors are just a bunch of slobs,'' joked Feig, in reference to the director's stereotype of casual dressers.
    ``I've been doing it for the past 11 years.
    ``In fact, I went to direct Mad Men and I showed up on the first day and they thought I was there for casting.''
  • DDB Canada Creates Fun Program To Inspire Behaviour Change

    DDB Canada Creates Fun Program To Inspire Behaviour Change

    How do you make healthy eating and active living fun for kids? By challenging them to try exciting activities such as turning their urine into bug repellent, holding an armpit smelling contest and inviting them to eat as many carrots as they can in hopes of achieving laser vision.
    The Government of Alberta’s province-wide program, titled the Healthy U 5&1 Experiment , helps families adopt wholesome habits by adding at least five servings of fruit and vegetables, and an hour of activity into each day. In an age where children are familiar with apps, gaming and earning badges, the Healthy U program makes use of this concept to present healthy eating and active living in a fun and engaging way that kids and their whole family can enjoy.
    “The creative plot boils down to getting kids to take part in 42 off-the-wall, wacky and weird scientific experiments that can make even the pickiest child eat broccoli,” says Eva Polis, creative director, DDB Canada’s Edmonton office. “It is much easier to convince kids to do something when you create an environment where they come to that conclusion on their own.”
    Developed by DDB Canada’s Edmonton office, the Healthy U 5&1 Experiment presents a 21-day challenge that invites kids and their parents to complete 42 novel experiments. Hosted on and free mobile app (for Apple and Android users), the provincial program features two daily experiments, one focusing on trying nutritious foods and the other encouraging physical activity. Children can earn awards and track their progress, furthering the incentive to turn these daily experiments into a lifestyle-changing habit. The program’s content targets children between the ages of six and 12, but kids are encouraged to sign up with their parents so they can begin this new healthy lifestyle as a family.
    The initiative kicked off earlier in May with a week-long tour of schools in Alberta that saw Healthy U host school rallies for more than 2,000 students. Associate Minister of Wellness Dave Rodney and popular YTV personality Andy Chapman co-hosted the rallies, together with the Healthy U Crew, an energetic street team. Continuing this grassroots engagement, the Healthy U Crew will extend this campaign by travelling across Alberta in a can’t-be-missed van, visiting 27 more schools in May and June, connecting with an estimated 7,500 students. The crew will also visit 40 communities in Alberta this summer, attending events including the Calgary Stampede, Edmonton’s K-Days, the St. Albert International Children’s Festival, and the Medicine Hat Spectrum Festival, inviting kids to ‘experiment’ with healthy living in all sorts of crazy fun ways. The crew will also hand out sample kits featuring 10 experiments to try.
    Online, radio and transit advertising as well as in-store point of purchase at Sobeys round out this integrated campaign by driving families to the Healthy U website. The sponsorship secured with Sobeys creates an added motivation to this program as families who have signed up are given grocery coupons to reduce the costs associated with their weekly experiments. Furthermore, a partnership with YTV supports this initiative via a web series featuring two of the station’s animated superstars – Dr. Frantic and Kerblooey.
    About DDB Canada Named Strategy’s 2012 Agency of the Year and Digital Agency of the Year , DDB Canada is the most creatively acclaimed, internationally recognized marketing communications agency in Canada. Known for advertising that generates significant results for clients, DDB Canada is a “total communications company” whose fundamental belief is that creativity is the most powerful force in business. DDB Canada has offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal. The agency’s integrated groups include: DDB Kid Think (youth marketing), DDB Public Relations, Tribal Canada (digital & social), Karacters Design Group, RAPP Canada (direct), DDB Hodes Recruitment Communications (recruitment marketing) and Shopper DDB (shopper marketing).

  • "Lincoln" Exclusive First Look Movie Teaser

    "Lincoln" Exclusive First Look Movie Teaser

    First official movie trailer/teaser for the movie "Lincoln", actually lets try that again this a Google Play Presents — "An Exclusive First Look At Lincoln" preety cool huh, I know I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    Steven Spielberg directs two-time Academy Award® winner Daniel Day-Lewis in "Lincoln," a revealing drama that focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come. The world trailer premiere will be released this Thursday followed by a Live Google Hangout with Spielberg and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

    The official movie poster for the film was released last month, check it out HERE.

  • My New Style: Shabby Apple's Glacier Dress

    My New Style: Shabby Apple's Glacier Dress

    Body Shirt

    Body Shirt: Summer Collection

    Happy Day, everyone! If it's raining as much near all of you as it is over here in New York, I sincerely hope you're all staying dry! What's the best thing to do on a rainy day, in my opinion? Online (window) shop! I love learning about new and up-and-coming stores, as well as checking in with my favorite websites to see what was recently added to the inventory (or what's on sale!).

    The store where this beautiful dress came from is certainly not unknown - this is the Glacier dress from the super-popular, super-lovely website Shabby Apple! This dress is part of their Berkshire line. I love what they have to say about this line of beautiful dresses:

    Barbie's Dress

    "Made for the last breaths of summer, this line embraces the Woman-in-the-wild--with basic,feminine silhouettes in easy-to-wear fabrics that provide you the ease and comfort you need for a weekend getaway, a last summer barbecue, or even a long day at the office. Slip into one and feel the joy of the evanescent summer - you'll be glad you did."

    I'm sold! As I sit in my apartment shivering and watching the students battle with umbrellas in the storm-like conditions, I could certainly go for a sweet, lingering summer day! Even though this line is inspired by the end of summer, I think this dress is totally a fall piece. It's made from the "sturdiest, no-fuss poly blend," and has the sweetest pinstripe detailing. I love the pleats in the skirt. I think this dress has an incredibly-flattering shape that anyone can wear! Look at those details! So pretty and graceful. Thank you, Shabby Apple, for making such a wonderful dress.

    Suiting Up at Express

    I've always loved the chic styles in the windows of Express! Whenever I need something classic and pretty for an event or a night out, I'm eager to check out what's new in the store. Right now I'm crazy about the women's suits that can be found in store or online. These tailored pieces are so flattering and would definitely make a statement.

    I mean, look at how cute the Rouched Sleeve Jacket and Wide Leg Editor Pant Suit is! I think the silhouette is modern and just so classy. I could totally see myself wearing this to a job interview. Look at the Luster Tweed Jacket and Editor Pant Suit. The details on the jacket are lovely. I love the pockets. I think this suit can easily go from work to play with the addition of some fun accessories (a pretty necklace or a cute clutch).

    Guess what, readers! Right now there's an Express sweepstakes taking place on their Facebook page! The Work It Sweepstakes is offering one winner a $500 Express Suiting Makeover! How great is that? Wouldn't you like the opportunity to add one of these cute suits to your wardrobe?

    What Express suit do you like best? Where would you like to wear one of their suits, and how would you make it uniquely you?

  • The Seductive Heidi Klum as Mrs Robinson for Carl's Jr. and Hardee's

    The Seductive Heidi Klum as Mrs Robinson for Carl's Jr. and Hardee's

    So Carl's Jr. and Hardee's are launching the Jim Beam Bourbon Burger with a new commercial starring Supermodel Heidi Klum. Klum takes on the iconic role of Mrs. Robinson in the new ad for the Jim Beam Bourbon Burger, inspired by the classic coming-of-age movie The Graduate. Created by Los Angeles- and Amsterdam-based creative agency 72andSunny, the commercial, titled “Mrs. Robinson,” depicts Heidi tempting a naive younger man with this indulgent burger. The commercial will begin airing nationally on March 25, until then a behind the scenes clip is all we have.

    Press via:
    In yet another fast food first, Carl’s Jr.® and Hardee’s® will begin selling burgers with the distinctive taste of a branded, distilled spirit when they introduce the new Jim Beam® Bourbon Burger this week. A mature burger for mature tastes, the Jim Beam Bourbon Burger features rich and tangy sauce flavored with Jim Beam bourbon – the world’s No. 1-selling bourbon – crispy onion straws, two strips of bacon, pepper-Jack cheese, lettuce and tomato, all atop a charbroiled beef patty and served on a sesame seed bun. The Jim Beam Bourbon Burger is available now at all Hardee’s restaurants and at all Carl’s Jr. locations starting tomorrow.

    “Higher-end restaurants have long served menu items flavored with branded spirits but, until now, they had yet to find their way onto fast food menus and we considered it our mission to change that,” said Brad Haley, chief marketing officer for Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s. “The sweet, smoky flavors of Jim Beam bourbon go really well with the great taste of a charbroiled burger, and the folks at Jim Beam were just as excited about the pairing as we were. While there is no residual alcohol in the sauce, that wonderful bourbon taste remains and is enhanced by the smoky flavors of bacon, the spice of pepper-Jack cheese, the salty-crunch of crispy onion straws, and fresh lettuce and tomato. And, who better to help us promote this burger for grown-up tastes than the incomparable Heidi Klum?”

    The Jim Beam Bourbon Burger is available as an entrée for $3.59 or as a combo meal with fries and a drink for $6.09 at Carl’s Jr. and $5.59 at Hardee’s. Prices may vary by location.

    Supermodel Heidi Klum takes on the iconic role of Mrs. Robinson in the new commercial for the Jim Beam Bourbon Burger, inspired by the classic coming-of-age movie The Graduate. Created by Los Angeles- and Amsterdam-based creative agency 72andSunny, the commercial, titled “Mrs. Robinson,” depicts Heidi tempting a naive younger man with this indulgent burger. The commercial will begin airing nationally on March 25.

    “For Carl's Jr. and Hardee's, paying homage to this iconic movie moment is an appropriately fun and irreverent way to introduce the mature taste of bourbon to hungry guys,” said Glenn Cole, founding partner and CCO at 72andSunny. "In casting the new Mrs. Robinson, we hoped to find someone with as much savvy, sophistication and sex appeal as the original Mrs. Robinson. In Heidi Klum, we got a wildly successful producer, businesswoman, TV host and one of the most iconic supermodels of all time. Not a bad day at the office."

    “The Bourbon Burger is no ordinary burger. It was truly the star of this commercial and I was proud to play the supporting role,” said Klum. “I’m not sure who had more touch-ups – me with the hair and lip gloss or the Bourbon Burger with the readjusting of the lettuce, spritzing of the tomatoes and fluffing of the bun.”

  • I change a brilliant for a battery

  • DDB Canada Drives Home With BCAA Business

    DDB Canada Drives Home With BCAA Business

    Vancouver, September 5, 2013 – DDB Canada is pleased to announce that the British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA), after an extensive search, has selected the Vancouver office as its agency of record (AOR), responsible for the BCAA brand and its lines of products and services. As its new agency partner, DDB Canada will help BCAA drive new membership, introduce new products and further strengthen the organization’s relationships with its 800,000+ members across British Columbia.

    “BCAA started in the area of roadside assistance, but has evolved into a multifaceted brand that places its members and customers at the heart of every service it provides,” says Lance Saunders, executive vice president managing director, DDB Canada, Vancouver. “When you truly look after your members and customers, like the way BCAA does, they can become strong brand advocates, harnessing the power of word of mouth, digital and social tools to spread positive messages. For an agency, this is a dream foundation to build from.”

    Effective September 2013, DDB Canada/Vancouver will provide strategy, creative, media buying and planning services, in partnership with OMD Vancouver.

    “We are excited to partner with DDB Canada,” says Heidi Worthington, senior vice president and chief marketing officer, BCAA. “At BCAA, we consider our agency as a strategic partner. DDB combines award-winning creative with insight-rich strategy, which will help to further strengthen the BCAA brand. Our trust and reputation with our members and customers is the foundation for our growth. It is from this solid base that BCAA will continue to provide an outstanding experience with our insurance, roadside assistance services, and further expand our product offerings and member savings partners worldwide.”

    About BCAA

    BCAA is one of the most trusted organizations in British Columbia, serving one in four B.C. households. With over 800,000 Members, BCAA provides an array of home, auto and travel insurance products, roadside assistance and Member savings at over 150,000 partner locations worldwide. J.D. Power has ranked BCAA “Highest In Customer Satisfaction among Home Insurance Providers in Western Canada” two years in a row (2012 and 2013) – details at Now in its 107th year, BCAA has over $400 million in annual sales, 27 locations and over 900 employees. To learn more about the benefits of BCAA Membership, visit and for more information on the BCAA Road Safety Foundation visit

    About DDB Canada

    Named Strategy’s 2012 Agency of the Year and Digital Agency of the Year, DDB Canada is the most creatively acclaimed, internationally recognized marketing communications agency in Canada. Known for advertising that generates significant results for clients, DDB Canada is a “total communications company” whose fundamental belief is that creativity is the most powerful force in business. DDB Canada has offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal. The agency’s integrated groups include: DDB Kid Think (youth marketing), DDB Public Relations, Tribal Worldwide (digital and social), Karacters Design Group, RAPP Canada (direct) DDB Hodes Recruitment Communications (recruitment marketing) and Shopper DDB (shopper marketing).

  • George Clooney Stars In New Ad For Mercedes-Benz

    George Clooney Stars In New Ad For Mercedes-Benz

    A new commercial airing in China stars George Clooney and Chinese model Bonnie Chen for the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, yup it's a yawner.
    Ad Agency: BBDO (Beijing Office)

  • "Movement" New Surface Commercial by Microsoft Is Actually Really Good

    "Movement" New Surface Commercial by Microsoft Is Actually Really Good

    Enjoy the new "Movement" premiere commercial for MICROSOFT SURFACE from Director Jon M. Chu (DS2DIO, G.I. Joe: Retaliation, The LXD, Step Up 3D) and cast of great dancers (full list below).

    "From touch to type, office to living room, from your screen to the big screen, you can see more, share more, and do more with Surface."

    The Surface tablet is set be released 10.26.12 and will run on Windows 8, the ad stars Daniel "Cloud" Campos and features some of the world's top dancers, they are:
    Anderson, Corey
    Andrews, Kendra
    Azizian, Paulette
    Boedekker, Stacy
    Bonnevay, Marie
    Brewton, Bianca
    Brown, Jesse
    Burns, Leon
    Chapman, Lorenzo
    Chynoweth, Jade
    Clemmons, Vincent
    Davis, Kylie
    Exum, Kelli
    Germar, Marko
    Grahms, Daniel
    Graves, Corey
    Gutierrez, Jay
    Guzman, Gabe De
    Hoffman, Sky
    Holt, Bailey
    Hott, Julian
    Inniss, Marc
    Johnson, Josh
    Kadish, Jake
    Keller, Jessica
    Kitama, Mayuko
    Koumaev, Ivan
    Lamkin, Brandy
    Livingston, Emilie
    Loftis, Will
    Maas, Taylor
    Markarian, Rachel
    Medina, Marie
    Monaco, Tony
    Monnie, KC
    Mour, Linda
    Nairobi, Saidah
    Nino, Ashlee
    Prudich, Bill
    Radomski, Kayla
    Rodriguez, Ricardo
    Rosado, Luis
    Russell,Brittany Perry
    Sandvig, Melissa
    Scott, Christopher
    Shaw, Brandon
    Sherbman, David
    Shibata, Tracy
    Sims, Jamal
    Smith, Chadd (Madd Chadd)
    Spencer, Terrence
    Stecklein, Tyne
    Steffens, Timar
    Stewart, Britt
    Stewart, Nicholas
    Tanaka, Bryan
    Tanner, Jean
    Thompson, Larsen
    Todey, Kersten
    Velez, Ivan (Flipz)
    Washington, Tyrell
    Williams, Brooklyn
    Wilson, Dana
    Wong, Alex
    All Choreography by Christopher Scott and Jamal Sims.