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  • Drudge Report has sent the president on interview to channel Fox

    Drudge Report has sent the president on interview to channel Fox

    US president

    As it became known to news site Drudge Report, the US president Barack Obama will give interview to television channel Fox News, since recent time become by object of criticism from the White House.

    Major Garrett has invited the president to conversation

    According to a portal which has not specified an information source, the meeting of the president with the correspondent of department of a policy of channel Major Garrett will take place during official visit of the president to China. It is expected, that Obama will go to the Peoples Republic of China in the evening on Sunday, on November, 15th where will stay till Wednesday, on November, 18th.

    In the meantime edition Politico informs, that the certain not named employee of the White House these data has denied. "At the moment at the president it is not planned any interviews during tour across Asia", — quotes the edition.

    Meanwhile on November, 11th it became known, that the post has left the director of the White House for public relations Anita Dunn. It posesses words that channel Fox News is "Republican Party branch". The official reasons of resignation are unknown.

    Making comments on the information that Obama can meet correspondent Fox, newspaper The Huffington Post has noticed, that between the White House and Fox warming of relations really was outlined. According to the edition, it has occurred after vice-president Fox Michael Clemente has met the press-secretary of the White House.

    In protection Fox

    The position of the largest American channels which have supported recently Fox, appeared excluded of a pool for interview to one of employees of a Treasury Department of the US could become the rapprochement reason.

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  • "Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth" Controversial Billboard In Times Square

    "Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth" Controversial Billboard In Times Square

    The New Jersey American Atheists proudly boasted about the launch of their controversial Winter Billboard Campaign in recently erected in New York's Times Square.

    Atheists Share the True Meaning of the Holidays with Times Square Billboard

    Cranford, NJ—American Atheists’ latest billboard, located in the heart of New York City, is set to launch on December 11, 2012. Strategically positioned in Times Square (across from the M&M store), the billboard will display images of Santa and Jesus with the message, “Keep the merry! Dump the myth!”

    David Silverman, President of American Atheists stated, “We know that a large population of ‘Christians’ are actually atheists who feel trapped in their family's religion. If you know god is a myth, you do not have to lie and call yourself 'Christian' in order to have a festive holiday season. You can be merry without the myth, and indeed, you should.”

    Mr. Silverman continued, “We encourage people to be honest with themselves and their families this year. If you don't believe in god, tell your family—honesty is the greatest gift, and they deserve it.”

    Teresa MacBain, Communications Director and a former pastor stated, “The true beauty of the season—family, friends, and love—have nothing to do with the gods of yesteryear. Indeed, the season is far more enjoyable without the religious baggage of guilt and judgmentalism. Dump the myth and have a happy holiday season.”

    The billboard will remain in Times Square from December 11 through January 10, 2013.

    The ad is the latest in holiday-themed billboards put up by the group every year. In 2011, American Atheists posted a variety of ads as part of a “Myth” campaign in three states with images of Santa, Jesus, Greek god Poseidon, and the Devil with the phrase, “37 million Americans know MYTHS when they see one.”

    The Catholic League has battled it out with Silverman's group in the past, even posting opposing signs on each end of the Lincoln Tunnel in 2010. But Catholic League spokesman Bill Donohue said Silverman went too far this year.

    "This year it's different," he said. "This is vile. When you depict Jesus on the cross with a crown of thorns, this is exploitative. We as Christians never harass, intimidate or insult atheists. But they can't seem to say, 'We simply disagree with you.' They have to insult us."

    via: Fox News

  • Condemnation for bow to the Japanese emperor

    Condemnation for bow to the Japanese emperor

    Akihito and Obama

    The American critics of the US president of Barack Obama have expressed indignation because he has bowed to the emperor of Japan Akihito. On it on November, 16th informs AFP.

    Deep presidential bow

    Obama has arrived to Japan on November, 14th. Next day critics have familiarised with photos on which it is visible as the president welcomes Akihito deep bow.

    Politician-conservative William Kristol has declared on November, 15th on air of channel Fox News: "For the American president is inadmissible to bow to the foreign leader". According to the conservative, gesture of the president says that at the new US president became the weak country.

    Other conservative, Bill Bennett, on air of CNN has commented on behaviour of the president words: "It is ugly. I do not wish to see it". According to Bennet, the USA should not recognise authority of kings and emperors."

    Critics underline, that conservative Dick Cheney, in 2001-2009 holding post of the vice-president of the United States, in 2007 too met the Japanese emperor. Dick has firmly shaken hands with the monarch, but has not bowed.

    The Japanese bloggers are solidary with the American president

    Edition Examiner notices, that the Japanese mass-media did not make comments on bow Obama. However the Japanese bloggers have reacted to behaviour of the American president positively.
  • The American president creates «NEW RACE»

    The American president creates «NEW RACE»

    The president

    Soon after elections of the American president on the country the wave of propaganda processions of gays and lesbians has swept.

    They demanded equality. If to face the truth, they have equality, anybody does not punish them for in what they are engaged in the personal bedrooms, but they have not enough of it, they constantly excite the public, drawing to themselves attention, propagandising the sexual life, imposing the given type of sexual relations all and all.

    Impose by means of a megaphone of mass-media. Some weeks all television screens, even rather serious news programs, were shaken with war round the Ms. of America. Well the statement of the Ms. of America was not pleasant to one of gays, he has expressed in this occasion rather cynically, but what for to make around it noise all over the country?

    HOPEHave pulled together huge forces, put a microphone to lips of stars and inhabitants, millionaires and politicians.

    The Ms. of America has decided «to beat out a wedge a wedge»: has declared, that the same sights at marriage at an idol of the country of Barack Obama.

    But campaign did not stop, because with arrival of liberals to all double-entry bookkeeping takes place: two we write — one in mind. Officially the president has the wife and children, but informally (because the official press does not discuss this problem) on book shelves there was Larry Sinclair's book «Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair — Cocaine, Sex, Lie and Murder?» About unisex sex of the author with «the future Supreme commander in chief». Why the white House is silent? In his hands the unknown power is concentrated... Probably to the White House it is favourable, that in air hung — "perhaps". After all it too voters.

    Meanwhile, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation — GLAAD with pride has informed on the achievements: «this year after three-year recession number of gays and other representatives of sexual minorities in films more than will double. Programs with heroes LGBT will make 2,6% from all displays of TV in 2009 in comparison with 1,4% in 2005, 1,3% in 2006, and 1,1% in 2007». Active workers of sexual minorities are happy with work of television channels ABC and NBC, but criticise cable networks where the number of their heroes has decreased with 40 to 32, and also channels CBS and Fox.
    Owners of the White House throw down a challenge of traditional morals.
    Barack ObamaAccording to approximately 2,8% of men and 1,4% of women lesbians or bisexuals are identified as gays. Thanks to huge advertising last years of men of 9,1% and 4,3% of women participated in unisex sexual relations at least once. Why participated without physiological predisposition? Because it is fashionable.

    The percent grows thanks to propagation influence. The propagation, the come to power liberals. US State Secretary Hillari Clinton has published an explicit statement on the occasion of a month of gays and the lesbians, founded by her husband in 2000 in which the governmental plans accurately appear: «... I highly appreciate courage and resoluteness of gays, lesbians and the bisexuals, shown by them within last forty years, and I offer our support in that important work, which else it is necessary to execute».

    She has noted and State department work: «We are grateful to our employees-lesbians, gays, bisexuals and the transsexuals working in Washington and worldwide».

    Proceeding from this extremely frank statement, the government is going to entrust these people any extremely important work, important in universal scale...

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