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  • Top 10 Most Viewed Videos on YouTube for 2011

    Top 10 Most Viewed Videos on YouTube for 2011

    For all you stats junkies here is the official YouTube Rewind 2011 edition of the top 10 videos by view count.

    One of our favorite ads of the year, the Volkswagen Commercial "The Force" is number 9 on the list with over 45 million views.

    And here is the Top 10 List:

    Rebecca Black — Friday (OFFICIAL VIDEO) —
    Ultimate Dog Tease —
    Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton) —
    Talking Twin Babies — OFFICIAL VIDEO —
    Nyan Cat [original] —
    Look At Me Now — Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes (Cover by @KarminMusic) —
    The Creep (feat. Nicki Minaj & John Waters) —
    Maria Aragon — Born This Way (Cover) by Lady Gaga
    The Force: Volkswagen Commercial —
    Cat mom hugs baby kitten —

    Video Produced by Portal A Interactive []

  • YouTube Blog: Ads that entertain: YouTube’s top spots of 2011

    YouTube Blog: Ads that entertain: YouTube’s top spots of 2011

    YouTube Blog: Ads that entertain: YouTube’s top spots of 2011
    We always knew people liked to watch the ads. At least some ads, like the great ones people talk about after the Super Bowl. Then YouTube came along in 2005 and brought with it the notion that ads can be great content that earn their way onto screens of all types, spread by consumers who vote, share, like, comment, blog, plus-one, or even create response videos or spoofs.

    YouTube is the ultimate meritocracy for video, and advertisers are adapting to this world by creating content that people want to share. It’s no surprise, for example, that among the top-10 most-watched ads on YouTube in 2011 are two Super Bowl ads.

    Most watched video ads of the year (eliminating music videos and trailers):
    1. VW — The Force

    2. T-Mobile — Royal Wedding

    3. Chrysler — Imported From Detroit

    4. DC Shoes — Ken Block's Gymkhana Four: The Hollywood Megamercial

    5. smartwater — Jennifer Aniston goes viral

    6. Team Hot Wheels — The Yellow Driver's World Record Jump

    7. Old Spice — Scent Vacation

    8. Apple — Introducing Siri on iPhone 4S

    9. Samsung — Unleash Your Fingers

    10. adidas — D Rose: adiZero Rose 2 The Bull

    What is surprising is that the majority of YouTube’s top “ads” of 2011 (seems strange to call them that) never appeared on traditional TV at all.

    Videos like T-Mobile’s Royal Wedding, itself a spoof of the JK Wedding Dance, were made for the web and made to amuse, entertain, and to be passed around, as are mini-movies like DC Shoe’s Gymkhana Four, stunts like Hot Wheel’s record jump, and Old Spice’s “Scent Vacation.”

    Even the two Super Bowl ads making the list, Chrysler and Volkswagen, were part of elaborate campaigns made to live significant lives on the web. In the past, advertisers treated their Super Bowl spots like state secrets, but Volkswagen posted “The Force” on YouTube two weeks before the Super Bowl last year, and had 10 million views before the game began. Chrysler took the opposite approach, but created a video four times the length of a typical TV ad, perfect for extended watching on the web after the game.

    For brands, creating great content—advertainment, if you will—isn’t just for big TV events like the Super Bowl anymore. Increasingly, advertisers and their agencies are focusing on the content and the strategy, and letting that content distribute itself. That doesn’t mean they aren’t doing traditional advertising. Indeed all of these campaigns were backed up by significant spending to seed and promote these videos on YouTube and elsewhere. But paid media only gets you so far. In the end, it doesn’t matter if they paid $3 million for 30-seconds in the Super Bowl or much less to get the conversation started. In the end, it’s the content that counts.

  • Sears "The Beach" Top 10 Advantage Commercial

    Sears "The Beach" Top 10 Advantage Commercial

    The new Sears Top 10 Advantage TV spot is set on a stunning beach as a young couple enjoy each other, feel free, live and run...into a refrigerator.
    Who knew Sears could funny with their advertising.

    Ad Agency: mcgarrybowen
    Music is by Chappo

  • My Favourite Top Movies of 2012

    My Favourite Top Movies of 2012

    Danny Trejo

    "A Rodriguez regular, the character and film were created around Trejo and his signature, erm, charm..."

    Ah yes, with 2011 comfortably over it's time to shift focus to the films of 2012. Not to get ahead of myself, but it's going to FREAKIN' AWESOME BRO! Even Bane's excited. Although there were some gems last year — as evidenced in my top 10 and honourable mentions — in general the films of '12 could be summed up with one word; disappointing. From Sucker Punch to Red Riding Hood, blockbuster after blockbuster sucked. It was the small films from unexpected corners of Hollywood that brought audiences to the proverbial yard.

    In 2012 that's likely to be the opposite. With two new films from Tim Burton, the first instalment in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit, the superhero movie to end all superhero movies Avengers, Robert Rodriguez’s Machete, World War Z, The Great Gatsby, Tarantino's newbie Django Unchained and SO many other massive flicks, it's safe to have our expectations set relatively high. There are big directors making big movies this year. There are also some smaller gems that will bring an entirely different (yet tasty) meal to the table. I'm talking genre flicks like Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters from the stylish team behind Dead Snow, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and a movie adaptation of one of my favourites books Warm Bodies. Out of left field there’s The Grey which pits Liam Neeson against wolves, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Michelle Williams vehicle My Week With Marilyn, the hilarious A Few Best Men and Ralph Fiennes directorial debut Shakespeare war film Coriolanus.

    The film I’m most looking forward to in 2012 is unsurprisingly The Dark Knight Rises. Everything else I’m excited about is on this list, including the epic looking Snow White and The Huntsman and animated charmer The Pirates! Band Of Misfits. I’m also going to make an early call and predict Mirror, Mirror as the worst film of the year and The Hunger Games as the biggest disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a colossal fan of Suzanne Collins' book series but from the casting to the severely disappointing trailers, I think this is going to be a disaster. I hope I’m wrong.

    Let me preface this by saying; I'm not joking. I actually interviewed Kim Sasabone (the one at the top end of the rocket) a few weeks ago ahead of their first Australian tour in over a decade. My eight-year-old self would have been so please with 23-year-old me. When the Vengabus isn't coming and everyone's not jumping, Kim says she enjoys nothing more than chilling out and watching a movie. What movie, you ask? Read on:

    "Oh, that's hard because there are so many I love. One of my favourites from my childhood is The Wizard Of Oz. That's such a beautiful movie with so many great songs and moments. If we're talking about later on in life I'd have to really think about it. The Wizard Of Oz is my stand out favourite though.''
  • Celebrity PSA Launch The Respect Challenge

    Celebrity PSA Launch The Respect Challenge

    Nicole Kidman, Gabrielle Union, Julianne Moore, baseball legend Willie Mays and more of Hollywood’s brightest are lending their voice to Futures Without Violence’s new Respect Challenge in a new PSA ad campaign.

    Nicole Kidman credits her parents. America Ferrera thanks her fifth grade teacher. And Willie Mays recognizes the impact of his father. To kick-off an online campaign and contest called The Respect Challenge, the national nonprofit Futures Without Violence has produced a PSA that features top celebrities expressing their gratitude to a person who taught them a valuable life lesson — a lesson in Respect.
    The PSA, a key ingredient in the national Facebook campaign which launches on Monday, September 10, features responses from such VIP talent as Nicole Kidman, Ed Harris, Julianne Moore, Gabrielle Union, America Ferrera, Joe Torre, and Willie Mays. Aretha Franklin’s iconic song, “Respect,” provides the soundtrack for the video. The PSA will also be available on Facebook,, and YouTube.
    “There’s never been a better time for a national conversation about Respect,” says Esta Soler founder and president of Futures Without Violence. “Whether you’re on the political campaign trail, or just headed back to middle school, let’s stand up to bullies and remind them about Respect.”
    The interactive Facebook campaign, designed to celebrate everyday role models and heroes, provides an opportunity for the public to write an online thank you note, or post a thank you video about the person who taught them Respect. Two lucky entrants will earn a donation of $10,000 to a school or nonprofit organization of their choice, as well as a VIP trip to New York City to attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. After the initial entry period (September 10 – October 12), fans will be invited to vote on 10 finalists who have submitted a compelling written note or a video.
    Scheduled for an online launch on Monday, September 10, The Respect Challenge was introduced at the San Francisco Giants vs. Los Angeles Dodgers game on Sunday, September 9, when the Giants hosted their annual program, Strike Out Violence Day. Baseball legend Willie Mays, featured in the PSA, made a special appearance during the festivities.
    Futures Without Violence, a national nonprofit and social change organization with offices in San Francisco, Washington DC and Boston, created the campaign with the generous help of AKQA, one of the most-respected ideas and innovation agencies in the world. AKQA’s San Francisco Media team not only provided strategic consultation but secured more than $400,000 in donated online advertising space for the campaign and contest.
    Wildfire, a division of Google, and a leading social media marketing software provider, also volunteered their services to design and implement the Facebook application, and America Online’s in-house creative team offered their services to create compelling online banners and advertising units.
    Macy’s, the founding partner of the RESPECT! campaign, has a strong history of support for education and awareness programs that promote positive solutions for healthy relationships.
    “We hope that the positive stories generated through this campaign will remind us of the life-changing role that parents, teachers, coaches, and so many other mentors can have on shaping young lives,” said Martine Reardon, Macy’s Chief Marketing Officer.

    ABOUT FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE:For more than thirty years, Futures Without Violence has been working to promote healthy relationships and safe communities that are rooted in respect. Our educational programs, leadership training and public action campaigns reach parents, teachers, coaches and mentors, as well as legislators, physicians, judges and service providers who are influential in shaping the lives of young people.To learn more, please visit us at Futures Without
    ABOUT THE RESPECT CAMPAIGN:RESPECT! is a social action campaign to raise awareness and engage individuals from all walks of life in positive solutions to end and prevent violence. The RESPECT! Campaign is an initiative of Futures Without Violence, and Macy’s is the Founding National Partner.

  • Victoria's Secret Begs For your Vote As Best Brand on CBS's Greatest Super Bowl Commercial Contest

    Victoria's Secret Begs For your Vote As Best Brand on CBS's Greatest Super Bowl Commercial Contest

    Victoria's Secret has just been nominated as one of the top 10 brands on CBS's Greatest Super Bowl Commercials, so they've created this short teaser spot to get you to vote for them. You can make your vote for Victoria's Secrets or any one of the other front runners at by January 31st. The results will air February 1st for Best Brand. The other brands nominated are: Bud Light, Budweiser,, Coke, Doritos, E-Trade, FedEx, GoDaddy, and Pepsi.

  • Sanderson Jones Shares Some Success In New Gumtree Ads

    Sanderson Jones Shares Some Success In New Gumtree Ads

    Gumtree launches its new television and radio ads this week, celebrating the thousands of success stories shared every day by its 8.6 million buyers and sellers. Featuring comedian Sanderson Jones, the executions focus on three of the site’s top categories: Motors, Jobs and Goods.

    Conceived by Fold7, the campaign launches on TV on 25 March, alongside radio in London, YouTube advertising, online display and mobile ads.

    The campaign, titled ‘Success!’ aims to demonstrate the joy of doing a deal on Gumtree, with the strapline, ‘Millions of sellers, millions of buyers. Gumtree. Success!’ Jones plays a brand advocate who delights in seeing others get the car, job or item they want on the UK’s number one classifieds website.

    The first advert will champion Gumtree’s Motors category, where Gumtree has the highest number of privately listed cars in the UK, and will air in 30” and 10” versions. The ads for Jobs and Goods will also run in 10” versions. All the ads from the campaign can be seen on Gumtree's YouTube channel.

    Hamish Stone, Head of Marketing at, said: “We wanted to create a campaign that celebrates the wonderful success stories experienced by our 8.6m users on a daily basis. The site is going from strength-to-strength and with our Motors category growing quickly, it’s the perfect time to launch our latest ads. We’re hoping they’ll be just as successful!”

    Ryan Newey, Creative Director at Fold7, added, “This is our first work for the brand since we were appointed in January. The campaign focuses on the key take out that we want people to remember about Gumtree; whatever you’re looking to buy or sell, Gumtree = Success!”
    Press via: 3Monkeys

  • Motors Liquidation Company

    Motors Liquidation Company

    New General Motors Company

    On Friday, on July, 10th, procedure of bankruptcy of concern General Motors has come to the end. The Company management and administration of the US president of Barack Obama managed to "turn" this process rapidly — legal investigation GM lasted only 40 days while Chrysler — one more autocompany, not managed to go through present crisis, 42 days for this purpose were required.

    Thus, during the largest for all history of the USA of bankruptcy the old and slow giant who with 1931 till 2007 was the largest motor-car manufacturer in the world, has given way new, "mobile and flexible" General Motors Company. At least, so represents results of proceeding the official press release published on a site old General Motors. The companies which already actually does not exist.

    But at a management "new GM", and also at representatives of administration of the US president of Barack Obama who supervised over autoconcern re-structuring, yet it is a lot of occasions to pleasure. To survive, the company had to leave afloat only four marks from eight — Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC. The others will be sold or liquidated, in due course. And such measures, in turn, demand to reduce number of North American factories GM with 47 to 34 pieces and to close 40 percent of the dealer centres in territory of the USA.

    Naturally, at such serious curtailment of production has not managed and without "human losses". So, till the end of 2009 of work third of personnel serving enterprises GM in the USA will lose almost — from 91 thousand workers will be dismissed 27 thousand persons. And it only those who worked directly on General Motors. And if to consider personnel reductions at the enterprises of accessory manufacturers the figure of the future dismissals in automobile branch of the USA can grow several times.

    Chevrolet Camaro

    Besides, General Motors Company it is necessary to go and on scale reduction of a management. From 1300 managers and top-managers in the near future will write the letter of resignation or leaving on pension more than 400 persons. Till this moment to such radical measures in relation to the supervising personnel in GM did not resort yet.

    The chief executive of company Fritz Henderson appointed to this post shortly before bankruptcy, will keep the place and in the new company. However now Fritz Henderson will supervise not private, and is faster the state corporation — the share of Exchequer of the USA in the new company makes 60 percent. The administration of the president has actually nationalised GM when it became clear, that the company independently solve the problems cannot.

    In exchange the state "has forgiven" 10,6 billion dollars of debts from given out in the beginning of year as grants of 19,4 billion dollars, and has gratuitously given 30,1 billion dollars more for financing of procedure of bankruptcy and renewal of work after end of all formalities.

    Besides, GM it was necessary to pay off with "nature", that is the actives, and with other large creditors. Almost 18 percent General Motors Company were received by the trade-union fund guaranteeing social security to workers and pensioners GM before which at the company to bankruptcy the debts in 20 billion dollars have accumulated.

    Buick LaCrosse

    About 12 percent of actives has got to Canadians who for the last half a year have rendered to autoconcern the financial help at a rate of 9,5 billion dollars.

    The remained 10 percent of actives remain on hand "old GM" which, by the way, so any more is not called. New name General Motors now — Motors Liquidation Company, and the new company, during re-structuring, managed by right of succession the most part of debts, including 16 factories stopped to bankruptcy.

    Motors Liquidation Company: Optimization of the Sales

    Naturally, Motors Liquidation Company long will not exist. For liquidation it is allocated 1,75 billion dollars and in some years the structure will disappear — after will pay off on debts. And here General Motors Company it is necessary to come back to a world car market and to work in conditions which have put on a survival side all North American car industry — because of the growing prices for oil and financial crisis for today of sale of the American manufacturers in the house market have fallen to indicators of the beginning of 80th years of the last century.

    Despite forthcoming difficulties, in General Motors Corporation in the future look with optimism. At least, in words. So, the 77-year-old ex-head of department of design GM, come back to the company right after end of procedure of bankruptcy to the place of the vice-president "new GM", considers, that the new proprietor, in the near future, has every chance to become the leader of the automobile market not only in America, but also all over the world:

    "Now the main reason for purchase of cars GM consists not that they are made in America, at factories GM, or that we have finished bankruptcy procedure. The main thing - for last five years we have completely updated our lineup, and I can tell, that now we make probably best cars and pickups for all history General Motors".

    GMC Terrain

    However many North American experts do not believe, that existing lineup GM is competitive and can bring in the income. "Bankruptcy has not changed cars which are sold by dealers General Motors, and after all at the expense of them the company earns money", — the president of consulting firm Maryann Keller and Associates Merian Keller has declared in interview to agency Bloomberg.

    However, Keller was mistaken in the formulation — does not earn, and loses. After all only for last five years - those about which the ex-head of department of design GM spoke, the North American motorcar giant has lost about 88 billion dollars.

    Related Posts: Crisis

  • FORZA MOTORSPORT 4 Endangered Species Live Action trailer (Xbox360)

    FORZA MOTORSPORT 4 Endangered Species Live Action trailer (Xbox360)

    Twofifteenmccann unleashes “An Endangered Species," new live action trailer for Xbox’s Forza Motorsport 4 Electrifying skills of award-winning stunt driver Martin Ivanov and the voice of Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson deliver an adrenaline-pumping film This week, twofifteenmccann debuted "An Endangered Species," a short live-action film to introduce Forza Motorsport 4 for Xbox 360.
    Developed by Turn 10 and published by Microsoft Studios exclusively for Xbox 360, Forza Motorsports 4 launches worldwide on October 11. “An Endangered Species” is a rallying cry for car lovers worldwide and a visceral illustration of something many have come to realize — the real world has become an unfriendly place for those who truly love automobiles. Economic concerns, environmental regulations, clogged motorways and a myriad of other restrictions all appear to threaten the very existence of the car enthusiast.
    Though the opportunities to have heart-racing experiences in the real world are becoming fewer and fewer, Forza Motorsport 4 offers a place to explore car passion freely without fear of speed traps or other impediments. twofifteenmccann brought together an elite team of automotive talent to create “An Endangered Species.”
    Widely acknowledged as one of the best stunt drivers in the world, Martin Ivanov stars as lead actor and stunt driver. Ivanov’s work in such feature films as Quantum of Solace, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum contain some of the most exciting driving sequences ever put to film. Jeremy Clarkson, host of the hit BBC TV series Top Gear, provides the voiceover.

    Twofifteenmccann partnered with production company MJZ and acclaimed director Nicolai Fuglsig on the project which was shot on location in Uruguay. The "An Endangered Species" trailer debuted on Monday October 3 on and will be seen on and other digital properties as well.
    Other campaign elements including TV, online videos, and print will support the launch of the game as well. twofifteenmccann is a creative and strategic agency specializing in media agnostic ideas for brands.
    Based in San Francisco and part of Interpublic, twofifteenmccann’s work is rooted in a philosophy of purposeful creativity. Clients include: The Coca-Cola Company, HP and Microsoft Xbox, among others. twofifteenmccann’s partnership with McCann Erickson enables the company to deliver creativity at scale
    Spot Client: Xbox
    Product: Forza Motorsport 4 Spot
    Title: Endangered Species
    Agency: twofifteenmccann
    Chief Creative Officer: Scott Duchon
    Associate Creative
    Director/Writer: Joe Rose
    Art Director: Rey Andrade
    Director of Integrated Production: Tom Wright
    Senior Agency Producer: Kate Morrison
    Business Director: Peter Goldstein
    Management Supervisor: Luke Lamson
    Account Executive: Stephanie Scott
    Business Affairs Director: MaryBeth Barney
    Production Company: MJZ
    Director: Nicolai Fuglsig
    DP: Ben Serensin
    Executive Producer: Emma Wilcockson
    Producer: Suza Horvat
    Editorial Company: Final Cut
    Editor: Rick Russell
    Executive Producer: Saima Awan
    Producer: Suzy Ramirez
    Editorial Assistant: Jacob Keuhl
    Visual Effects: The Mill
    3D Lead Artist: Chris Bayol
    2D artists: Tara DeMarco, Andy Bate, Elad Offer
    Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
    Producer: Sabrina Elizondo
    End Titles and Animation: Imaginary Forces
    Telecine: The Mill Colorist: Adam Scott
    Original Music: Human
    Producer: Jonathan Sanford
    Sound Designers: Rohan Young @ Lime Studios Rick Russell @ Final Cut
    Mix: Lime Studios
    Mixer: Rohan Young
    Audio Producer: Jessica Locke

  • Astronaut Alan in Epic Money Supermarket Ad

    Astronaut Alan in Epic Money Supermarket Ad

    MoneySupermarket is set to launch its biggest and most epic ad so far with the latest iteration in its ‘You’'re So Money Supermarket’ campaign with epic Alan starring in the "Astronaut" advert.

    An extension of the feel good theme – Save Money, Feel Epic! – the new ad due to launch this Monday (January 7) was created by Mother London and takes money saving into space!

    As the brand looks to continue to amplify just how awesome it feels to save money, the latest ad follows the transformation of everyday man ‘Alan’, who feels epic after saving £300 on his car insurance.

    Filmed on location, Alan and his family join a crowd of spectators waiting to see a rocket launch. Having grabbed his son’s lunchbox and a cycle helmet, Alan marches straight through security in the direction of the launch pad. In a scene reminiscent of Apollo 13 or Armageddon, no one seems to mind that Alan is wearing a cycling helmet as he walks across the gantry and into his seat.

    As the rocket takes off, we see Alan’s wife look for the car keys; failing to find them, the ad cuts to Alan looking on calmly as he notices the key float up past his head.

    The action is set to the famous Top Gun soundtrack of “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin.

    Mother has created a full-length 60” and 10’’ ad for the launch, which focuses on car insurance. There will also be a radio version of the ad.

    The campaign will also have additional marketing support with activity across PR, CRM, and social media channels.

    Paul Troy, Director of Consumer Marketing, MoneySupermarket, said: “Times are pretty tough out there right now for families in the UK. Comparing the cost of household bills can make a real difference to every day family budgets. Saving money, particularly in January when you’re trying to get the new year off to a good start financially, can feel amazing and give you a great sense of achievement. In the ad Alan saved £300 on his car insurance, however, the average amount MoneySupermarket customers can save by using the site is an even more heroic £394. What better way to demonstrate the euphoria you can feel when you get a great deal than to watch our hero waltz onto a space rocket and launch into space?”

    Tim McNaughton, Creative Director said: “In this ad our hero Alan from Stoke-on-Trent saves money on his car insurance and feels so totally epic that he strides past the security at Cape Canaveral Space Center and leads a crew of lantern-jawed, Yankee astronauts into space. Go Alan, you sexy, money-saving hero! Go!”

    Creative Agency: Mother, London
    Director: The Glue Society
    Production Company: Independent
    Producer: Jason Kemp
    Editor: Adam Spivey @ The Playroom
    Post Production: The Mill
    Audio post-production: 750mph
    DoP: Don Burgess
    Media Agency: Mediacom