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  • Olympian world of the Greek gods recreated at the Roman-Germanic Museum in Cologne

    Olympian world of the Greek gods recreated at the Roman-Germanic Museum in Cologne

    Even today, the world of the ancient Greek gods has lost none of its fascination. Accounts of the deeds of mighty Zeus, his jealous wife Hera, the twins Apollo and Artemis, beautiful Aph-rodite, and Dionysos the god of wine, are as enthralling as ever after more than 2000 years.

    A mask of an old man is on display at the Roman-Germanic Museum in Cologne, Germany. The exhibition 'Return of the Gods' will run until 26 August 2012 [Credit: EPA/Oliver Berg]

    Greek poets and artists conveyed a vivid picture of the world of these gods. Their work set creative precedents and were a source of inspiration; they also furnished models and a stim-ulus for new interpretations and original compositions by Roman writers and sculptors.

    Over a period of more than three hundred years, the Brandenburg-Prussian Electors and Kings in Berlin collected antique works of art, which are now in the museums of the ‘Preußischer Kulturbesitz’ Foundation – the Pergamon Museum and the Collection of Antiqui-ties. For the first time in Cologne, in the exhibition The Return of the Gods, the Olympian world of the Greek gods is recreated with marble statues, stone reliefs, bronzes and luxurious vases from the Berlin collections – a cross section of outstanding European art from early Greek times to the imperial Roman period.

    Zeus, Hades, Poseidon

    Zeus, the Romans’ Jupiter, was the majestic ruler of the Olympian world. As the lord of the heavens, he carried a thunderbolt as his weapon. Zeus was the father of nu-merous gods and heroes; most of his offspring were not begotten with his wife Hera, but were the result of his many erotic liaisons.

    Poseidon was the master of the sea, inland waters and storms. As the “shaker of the Earth”, who made the Earth tremble with his trident, he was held responsible for earthquakes and natural disasters. People also venerated him as the protector of their ships. The Romans called this god Neptune.

    Brother of Zeus and Poseidon was Hades, the Romans’ Pluto. He became the lord of the underworld when the gods drew lots to divide the world between them.

    All these “Father Gods” are represented as mature, dignified and mighty. Zeus the father of the gods, Hades the ruler of the underworld and Poseidon the god of the sea, are difficult to tell apart when not depicted with their characteristic attributes

    Asclepius, the Healing God

    Asclepius was the god of medicine and healing. He was the son of Apollo and a mortal woman, so merely a demigod. He was nevertheless worshipped as a god but not regarded as one of the Olympian gods.

    Asclepius’ place was among the people. He is represented in the likeness of a Greek citizen: bearded, wearing a robe and leaning on a staff. A snake is coiled around his staff and the staff (or rod) of Asclepius is still the traditional symbol of medicine.

    Asclepius had many sanctuaries that attracted throngs of worshippers, where the sick sought cures through healing sleep (incubation). A centre of his cult developed at Epidaurus and another was located on the island of Kos. The physicians of Kos achieved great fame in the 5th century BC. The best known was Hippocrates and, even today, doctors swear the “Hippocratic Oath”.

    The cult of Asclepius reached the western part of the Roman Empire in 293 BC when the Epidaurus sanctuary established a shrine to the Latinised Aesculapius on Rome’s Tiber Island.

    Hera and Demeter – the Mothers

    Hera, the Romans’ Juno, was the sister and spouse of Zeus. As the queen of the gods she watched over marriage and legitimate offspring. She therefore pursued the amorous escapades of her husband with jealous severity.

    Demeter, Ceres for the Romans, was the goddess of the fertile earth, of grain and agriculture. According to the “Homeric” hymn to Demeter, her daughter Kore was abducted by Hades and, as Persephone/Proserpina, became his wife in the under-world. Searching for her daughter, the desperate Demeter neglected her responsibilities as the goddess of agriculture, which led to a severe drought. Only after the return of her daughter for two-thirds of the year did she allow everything to grow and flourish again, but Kore-Persephone had to spend one third of each year with Hades in the underworld, during which time nature was also dead.

    Demeter and Hera are usually depicted as motherly goddesses, often wearing a dia-dem and veil. When ears of wheat – a specific attribute of Demeter – are not shown, it is scarcely possible to distinguish between the two.

    Aphrodite and Hermes

    Aphrodite’s sphere of influence was love; her son Eros was the personified god of love. From the 5th century BC onwards, Aphrodite was depicted in ever more reveal-ing clothes: light and flimsy garments accentuated the beauty of the female body. Aphrodite first appeared completely naked in the 4th century BC, as a statue by Praxiteles, whose visualisation of the goddess was widely copied. Venus, the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite, was said to be the mother of Aeneas. Hence she became the mythical ancestress of the family of the Julii, to which both Caesar and Augustus belonged.

    Hermes was the messenger of the gods, the god of roads, boundaries and herds-men, the patron of thieves. He guided the souls of the dead into the after-world.

    Hermes wore the clothes of a traveller: a short cape, a broad-brimmed hat and boots or sandals. Speed was suggested by wings attached to his hat, shoes or heels. In addition, he carried a messenger’s staff with two snakes (Kerykeion). The Roman equivalent of Hermes was Mercury, the god of commerce and economic prosperity.

    Athena – the Patroness of Great Works

    Athena was the wise daughter of Zeus. Before his marriage to Hera, Zeus was the husband of Metis, the goddess of wisdom. Zeus then swallowed his consort when she was pregnant with Athena because it had been prophesied that she would bear him a child stronger than himself, who would ultimately depose him. Athena was born when Hephaestus, the blacksmith god, cleaved open her father’s skull.

    Athena was the goddess of battle, depicted with a helmet, lance and shield. Another emblem was the “aegis”, a breastplate with the head of the Gorgon Medusa in the centre. Athena was the patroness of the crafts and all artistic activities. She is also said to have invented the flute. While playing it beside a stream, she saw a reflection of herself with her cheeks puffed out, and crossly cast the instrument aside. The satyr Marsyas retrieved the flute and later challenged Apollo to a musical contest.

    Many cities invoked the protection of Athena, especially Athens, where she was worshipped on the Acropolis. Her Roman equivalent was Minerva.

    Apollo and Artemis — divine twins

    The twins Apollo and Artemis were the children of Zeus and Leto. Jealous Hera pur-sued her rival relentlessly until, finally, the island of Delos allowed Leto to give birth to her children there.

    Apollo was the upholder of order in human society, slaying wrongdoers with his bow and sending pestilence as a punishment. He defended religious purity. His attribute was the laurel. He was also the god of oracles and divine prophesies, leader of the muses and a master of the lyre. He was depicted as an idealized youth with long hair.

    Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and huntsmen, represented unspoiled nature. Known since ancient times as the “Mistress of the Animals” and the “unconquered virgin”, she nurtured and protected young animals, but was also a huntress who killed her prey. Since the late classical period, she has usually been depicted as a young girl in a hunting tunic with a bow and a quiver full of arrows, often accompanied by an animal. Just as her brother was both the god of healing and the god of pestilence, so Artemis was the goddess of childbirth and the bringer of death in childbirth.

    The Sanctuary

    In the Greek and Roman world, the sanctuary was the most important place for wor-shipping the gods. People would go there with votive offerings and gifts to praise or appease a deity and to ask for favours.

    At larger ritual sites there were temples with a cult image of the god. However, the centre of the sanctuary was always the altar where sacrifices were offered. At public ceremonies, cattle were often sacrificed: the priests would burn the bones, fat and hide of the animal as an offering to the gods; the meat would then be consumed by the worshippers at a ritual feast. Individual citizens usually donated smaller animals, fruit or libations. The rites could be accompanied by processions, dancing and music.

    An abundance of offerings of various types would accumulate at such sacred sites. Large objects like statues would be set up on display while smaller votive objects, such as miniature figurines or weapons captured from the enemy, were deposited somewhere. In large Greek sanctuaries, Olympia and Delphi for example, there were also treasuries where valuable offerings were stored.

    Dionysus and the Theatre

    Dionysus was the god of wine and delirious ecstasy. Those who gave themselves to this god had to risk becoming “possessed”. Dionysus was surrounded by a retinue (thiasos) of half-wild hybrid creatures, youthful satyrs, older sileni, and frenzied maenads who often danced to the music of flutes and drums.

    Dionysus was depicted as child, as a seductive youth with a body that is sometimes rather feminine, and as an old man leaning on a satyr. His attributes were the ivy, either as a wreath to prevent intoxication or wound around a staff (thyrsos), and a drinking vessel (kantharos). He always symbolised a hedonistic way of life.

    Greek theatre originated in the cult of Dionysus. In many places of worship, dramatic performances were part of his festivals. Starting in Athens in the 6th century BC, first tragedies, then “satyr” plays and – after 486 BC – comedies were performed during the Great Dionysia festival. All the roles in the plays, even female roles, were taken by three male actors wearing costumes and masks, accompanied by a choir.

    The Pergamon Altar

    In the conflicts to succeed Alexander the Great, Philhetairos was able to establish his rule in Asia Minor, at Pergamon. His grandson, Attalos I, took the title of King. The latter’s son, Eumenes II (197-159 BC), defeated the invading Celts and developed the fortress into a Hellenistic city with prestigious marble buildings.

    The religious centre was the altar of Zeus, which was visible from afar. A flight of steps led up to a podium and the colonnaded area with the altar for burnt offerings. The podium was decorated on all sides by a frieze depicting the battle of the gods against the giants. The rear walls illustrated the history of the founding of Perga-mon. Acroteria with figures stood on the roof.

    The gigantomachy on the Pergamon Altar marks the pinnacle of Hellenistic art. It is the most complete antique depiction of the struggle of the younger generation of Olympian gods, together with Hercules, against the giants, born out of chaos, who were trying to destroy the new world order. Zeus with his lightning bolts is shown fighting a snake-footed giant, an allusion to the victory over the Celts.

  • Beyond El Dorado: Power and gold in ancient Colombia

    Beyond El Dorado: Power and gold in ancient Colombia

    More than 300 astonishing objects made from gold and other precious materials are presented in the major exhibition “Beyond El Dorado. Power and gold in ancient Colombia”, held by the British Museum in conjunction with the Museo del Oro, Bogotá. The exhibition opens on October 17, 2013 and will run through March 23, 2014.

    Beyond El Dorado: Power and gold in ancient Colombia
    Anthropomorphic pectoral, Colombia, Tairona, AD 900–1600
    [Credit © Museo del Oro–Banco de la República, Colombia]
    For centuries Europeans were dazzled by the legend of a lost city of gold in South America. The truth behind this myth is even more fascinating. El Dorado – literally “the golden one” – actually refers to the ritual that took place at Lake Guatavita, near modern Bogotá. The newly elected leader, covered in powdered gold, dived into the lake and emerged as the new chief of the Muisca people who lived in the central highlands of present-day Colombia's Eastern Range. This stunning exhibition, sponsored by Julius Baer, will display some of the fascinating objects excavated from the lake in the early 20th century including ceramics and stone necklaces.

    In ancient Colombia gold was used to fashion some of the most visually dramatic and sophisticated works of art found anywhere in the Americas before European contact. This exhibition will feature over 300 exquisite objects drawn from the Museo del Oro in Bogotá, one of the best and most extensive collections of Pre-Hispanic gold in the world, as well as from the British Museum’s own unique collections. Through these exceptional objects the exhibition will explore the complex network of societies in ancient Colombia – a hidden world of distinct and vibrant cultures spanning 1600 BC to AD 1700 – with particular focus on the Muisca, Quimbaya, Calima, Tairona, Tolima and Zenú chiefdoms. This important but little understood subject will be explored in this unique exhibition following on from shows in Room 35 such as Ice Age art: arrival of the modern mind, Grayson Perry: Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman, Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World and Kingdom of Ife: sculptures from West Africa in shining a light on world cultures through their craftsmanship.

    Although gold was not valued as currency in pre-Hispanic Colombia, it had great symbolic meaning. It was one way the elite could publicly assert their rank and semi-divine status, both in life and in death. The remarkable objects displayed across the exhibition reveal glimpses of these cultures’ spiritual lives including engagement with animal spirits though the use of gold objects, music, dancing, sunlight and hallucinogenic substances that all lead to a physical and spiritual transformation enabling communication with the supernatural. Animal iconography is used to express this transformation in powerful pieces demonstrating a wide range of imaginative works of art, showcasing avian pectorals, necklaces with feline claws or representations of men transforming into spectacular bats though the use of profuse body adornment.

    The exhibition will further explore the sophisticated gold working techniques, including the use of tumbaga, an alloy composed of gold and copper, used in the crafting the most spectacular masterworks of ancient Colombia. Extraordinary poporos (lime powder containers) showcase the technical skills achieved both in the casting and hammering techniques of metals by ancient Colombian artists. Other fascinating objects will include an exceptional painted Muisca textile and one of the few San Agustín stone sculptures held outside Colombia. Those, together with spectacular large scale gold masks and other materials were part of the objects that accompanied funerary rituals in ancient Colombia.

    Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum said “Ancient Colombia has long represented a great fascination to the outside world and yet there is very little understood about these unique and varied cultures. As part of the Museum’s series of exhibitions that shine a light on little known and complex ancient societies this exhibition will give our visitors a glimpse into these fascinating cultures of pre-hispanic South America and a chance to explore the legend of El Dorado through these stunning objects.”

    “American Airlines and American Airlines Cargo are thrilled to be partnering with the British Museum on Beyond El Dorado: power and gold in ancient Colombia.” said Tristan Koch, Managing Director of Cargo Sales for EMEA – American Airlines. “American Airlines is a supporter of the arts in many cities that we serve around the world and it’s exciting to be linking the two destinations of Bogotá, Colombia and London by transporting precious passengers and cargo between them.”

    Source: The British Museum [August 04, 2013]

  • The G Project: What will you do today, for tomorrow?

    The G Project: What will you do today, for tomorrow?

    For the first time in its 20-year history, G Adventures will communicate and engage with people around the world through one unified question: “What will you do today for tomorrow?”

    This is the first video of the series. Shot from the perspective of a G Adventures traveler, these films express a shared hope for a better world. They tap into the power of an international and interconnected G Adventures community to spark change and create positive action unrestricted by geographic barriers. Grouped thematically around four ideas — freedom, beauty, knowledge and community — the films serve to associate these compelling and creative ideas with the G Adventures brand. These films demonstrate, through inspiring scenes of G Adventures travelers captured around the world, from Morocco to Brazil—how people are seizing the day, and in so doing, are creating positive change. They hope to inspire people to join with G Adventures and serve as a rallying cry to create positive change in the world today. As people from different backgrounds work for positive change and progress and take advantage of opportunities, G Adventures will be there to serve as the company that brings them together, challenging them to leave the world better than we found it. By harnessing the power of its global group of travelers, the G Adventures brand hopes to raise awareness and support for a diverse range of thought leaders around the globe who embody the ideals of the G Adventures brand. The G-Project is powered by G Adventures.

    Advertised brand: G Adventures
    Advert title(s): What will you do today, for tomorrow?
    Advertising Agency: G Adventures Brand Team (in-house)
    Creative Director: Jaymie Bachiu
    Art Director: Leonardo Tamburri
    Copywriters: Steve English & Daniel Sendecki
    Videographers: Kyle Jordan & Joe DiBenedetto

  • China as the world centre

    China as the world centre
    To begin with I suggest to look at a picture in the big permission.Chinese servants
    There is such Chinese artist Lui Liu which is known enough in China. In particular, the picture «Chinese servants» — gives very good understanding about world system in understanding of Chineses in which centre of the Universe without fail settles down Celestial. For the interested China far not a secret, that Chineses the nation haughty though Chineses will not say directly to you it.

    Plot strange enough. Naked and not so naked white aunts in the foreground, some sit on the earth. And Chineses also it is not visible, only are looked through somewhere on a background. At once there is a question on the picture name. Where, actually, servants. It is known, who the Chinese language is extremely rich on symbols and hints that promoted a wide circulation of allegories not only in the literature, but also in the Chinese art as a whole. I do not speak about riches of the numerology, leaving in an extreme antiquity.

    For understanding of a plot of a picture, it is necessary to mean, that it is written in the beginning of 2009 when the world crisis generated by the USA, has captured a planet.

    China, the unique country which crisis has avoided and on which, the West rests hopes, that China will pull out them from an economic crisis.

    Therefore three plates up to the top filled with meal, it is possible to consider as a hint — guzzle the western barbarians, China is rich enough not to allow to die with hunger and you. Clear business, that at barbarians cannot be any culture of meal. They do not own the sticks, therefore the best for them is hands and like a dog from the earth.

    Any country in the world has no the history comparable on duration with history of China. Any nation has no the number comparable to number of Chineses. Now supervises over China Hu Jintao. Pay attention to the Chinese on a background and compare to photo Hu.

    Hu Jintao in image Chinese the hard workers which fruits of works feed also the western rabble in the foreground which in any way does not appreciate it, spilling meal on the earth.
    Hu JintaoPresident
    By the way, about the USA. Quite probably, that the grown fat aunt in the picture centre, just also is image of America.
    Interesting analogies are traced and with other silhouettes.
    One more hint contains in the form of the poured stain. Compare a stain to a USA map.

    The broken egg too is simple so, it symbolises the broken financial system of America.

    USA, map

    I think, that in a picture weight of other allegories which to the western sight simply are not clear. Thus the picture name sets thinking — who will be actually the servant in this world?

    Related Posts: USA

  • The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum

    The Royal Ontario Museum unveiled The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors, presented by the Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation with Manulife as Lead Sponsor. The exhibition is on display in the Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall from Saturday, March 8 until Monday, September 1, 2014. Presented in collaboration with Beijing’s Palace Museum, the show brings to Canada for the first time approximately 250 treasures that were part of Chinese imperial life for five centuries in a city strictly off-limits to all but the emperor, his family, and his personal servants. These objects are the relics of a momentous chapter in China’s long and fascinating history.

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    More than 80 of the exhibition’s objects, including textiles, calligraphy, paintings, and armour, have never before travelled outside the Forbidden City. Complemented by stunning artifacts from the ROM’s own internationally celebrated Chinese collections, these objects tell captivating stories and reveal the fascinating characters that made the Forbidden City the centre of an immense empire for more than 500 years. Due to the significant number of light-sensitive textiles and paintings, there will be an extensive rotation of objects half way through the exhibition’s engagement, presenting a new opportunity to experience the stories and exquisite objects of the Forbidden City.

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    The emperor's role as head of the military required special ceremonial 'armour'. Worn for reviews, it was made more for show than active battle [Credit: ROM]
    “The ROM’s exhibition takes visitors on a remarkable journey to the heart of the Forbidden City — once off limits to all but a privileged few,” said Janet Carding, ROM Director and CEO. “Carefully selected by our curatorial team, these extraordinary artifacts from Beijing's Palace Museum will give visitors an inside view of life within the Forbidden City and immerse them in China’s rich history. The exhibition is the centerpiece of the Museum’s Centennial, bringing to life our promise to connect our visitors with their communities, world, and with each other.”

    The ROM has partnered with Beijing’s Palace Museum to create an exhibition that uncovers untold stories about life in the courts of the Chinese emperors. Dr Chen Shen is the exhibition’s lead curator and the ROM’s Vice President, World Cultures and Senior Curator, Bishop White Chair of East Asian Archaeology. He said, “This exhibition allows Canadians to see, for the first time, the finest objects hidden from view in the Forbidden City. We have worked with our Palace Museum colleagues to develop untold stories about life in the courts of the Chinese emperors; ensuring ROM visitors will enjoy many of China’s national treasures, many of which have never left the palace. These objects — both luxurious and everyday — provide the unique opportunity to advance our understanding of the people who lived within the walls of the Forbidden City.”

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    The emperor's role as head of the military required special ceremonial 'armour'. Worn for reviews, it was made more for show than active battle [Credit: ROM]
    In December 2012, Dr. Shen travelled to China with co-curator Dr Wen-chien Cheng, the ROM’s Louise Hawley Stone Chair of Far Eastern Art, and curatorial advisor Dr. Sarah Fee, the Museum’s Curator, Eastern Hemisphere Textiles and Fashion to spend time in the vaults of the Palace Museum and select the most compelling objects in the vast and storied collection.

    Robert H. N. Ho, Founder of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, said “The Foundation is pleased to present The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors in Canada. Advancing the understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture is a key mission of our foundation. Robust educational programming in support of the exhibition should encourage wider exploration by the public, especially teachers and students. The Foundation is also proud to once again be working with the ROM, an outstanding institution which together with Beijing’s Palace Museum, has developed this wonderful exhibition, bringing to life the 600-year-old imperial palace and revealing for the first time many of its treasures and secrets. ”

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    This gemstone-decorated gold ewer was used only on special occasions such as the emperor’s birthday [Credit: ROM]
    “The Forbidden City is a true celebration of Chinese culture and history," said Nicole Boivin, Chief Branding and Communications Officer for the exhibition’s Lead Sponsor Manulife, “As a global company, Manulife is committed to engaging the international communities in which we live and work, including China where we've been operating since 1897. Partnering with the ROM to support this exclusive exhibit is an excellent way to honour the China-Canada Cultural Exchange and the ROM’s 100th anniversary.”

    The ROM’s exhibition uncovers the stories of the Forbidden City and China’s last emperors who led their lives deep within the palace’s opulent interior. Through intimate encounters with everyday objects, visitors meet a cast of real characters, including emperors, court officials, concubines, and eunuchs — castrated men who served the imperial families. The ROM’s exploration of life inside the mysterious Forbidden City transports visitors through increasingly restricted areas — the palace’s great halls, grand courtyards, and intricate terraces and roofs, until visitors ultimately gain access to the most private space of all: the emperor’s personal study.

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    'Being Ruler is Tough' was the motto Emperor Yongzheng inscribed on this seal. At his wish, copies of this seal were placed in different rooms for his use and as a reminder of his role [Credit: ROM]
    Upon arrival, before reaching the admissions desk, visitors are introduced to the Forbidden City in the exhibition’s Prologue. An intricate model including many of the complex’s significant features is displayed in the Thorsell Spirit House, complemented by the one of the ROM’s most recent acquisitions — a yellow-glazed bowl, commissioned by Ming Emperor Wanli. The colour yellow was strictly reserved for royal families and could not be used in any way outside the Forbidden City unless explicitly permitted by the emperor himself.

    Imperial throne set, The Palace Museum, Gu115711 (throne, footstool only) © The Palace MuseumIn the exhibition’s entrance, visitors gain information about the fascinating locale before progressing into The Outer Court, the official space where the emperor displayed his power only to those invited inside. In this, the exhibition’s largest area, ceremonial bells, suits of armour, weapons and large-scale paintings tell the story of the emperors’ governing and military battles. An exhibition highlight dates to the reign of Emperor Qianlong — a throne, symbolizing his authoritative power. This area also introduces visitors to the first of several characters, including Emperors Yongzheng and Qianlong, two of the most accomplished emperors of the Qing dynasty.

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    Thrones were not made for comfort, but as a symbol of the ruler’s imperial and authoritative power. All the pieces here are part of the 'throne set' [Credit: ROM]
    Visitors next enter The Inner Court, the residential space where only the imperial family and their eunuchs lived. Empress Dowager Cixi, a towering presence over the Chinese empire for almost half a century, is profiled in this section. Stunning gilt silver nail guards represent her. Up to six inches long, they protected the extremely long nails of imperial women — signifying their leisure status. Also on display are the opulent objects of the emperor’s everyday life including silk dog coats, gold eating utensils, and the last emperor’s gilt bath tub.

    The exhibition’s climatic section takes visitors inside the Emperor’s personal spaces that were once forbidden to all but the emperor. As rulers, emperors were bound to strict institutionalized governance. However, their choices were their own in collecting and personal cultivation. This area showcases some of the most exquisite objects in the imperial collection including jades, calligraphies, and ceramics and an exceedingly rare porcelain “chicken” cup, commissioned by Emperor Chenghua for his mother; only two such cups exist today in the Palace Museum. In this section, a British-made musical clock and the character of a Western missionary represent the foreign dignitaries who gained access to the Forbidden City with gifts from their homelands — pieces much admired by Qing dynasty emperors.

    The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors at The Royal Ontario Museum
    Pages like this, in a fourteen-sheet album, presents the emperor assuming various ethnicities and characters – in each he is accompanied by an animal or a bird. [Credit: ROM]
    Finally, Twilight of the Last Dynasty portrays the Forbidden City’s last chapter as it began its transformation to the Palace Museum. Here, visitors learn of the fall of the empire during the last dynasty and the imperial collection’s fate. The magnificence of imperial life is countered by the poignancy of the last emperor’s departure. As visitors are brought back to their own world, they gain an appreciation for the Forbidden City then and now.

    The Forbidden City

    China’s imperial palace, known to the world as the Forbidden City, was built from 1406 – 1420. It was the center of government and home to China’s last 24 emperors of the Ming (1368 – 1644) and Qing (1644 – 1911) dynasties. Made up of about 980 buildings and 8700 rooms in over 90 architectural complexes, the Forbidden City remains to this day the largest palace complex in history. Once strictly forbidden to all but the emperors, their families, servants, invited guests, and most trusted officials, the palace gates are now open to all.

    The Palace Museum

    The Forbidden City became the Palace Museum in 1925, one year after the last emperor was forced into exile. Located in the heart of Beijing, the magnificent site spans over 720,000 square metres and houses the largest collection of China’s imperial treasures. Designated by China’s State Council as one of that country’s most important protected cultural heritage sites in 1961, it became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. Today, it is considered one of the world’s most important museums. Popularly called The Forbidden City, it houses over 1.8 million art treasures spanning 5,000 years of Chinese history with many from the Qing imperial court. It is one of the world’s most visited museums, welcoming a record 182,000 visitors on October 2, 2012.

    Source: The Royal Ontario Museum [March 08, 2014]

  • National Geographic Rubik's Cube As A Cool Storytelling Device — The 80's Print and TV Ad Campaign

    National Geographic Rubik's Cube As A Cool Storytelling Device — The 80's Print and TV Ad Campaign

    National Geographic Channels International has partnered with The Corner to create a global TV and print campaign for the launch of its two new series The ’80s. The Decade That Made Us and ’80s Greatest. The two series are an epic roller-coaster ride that offers an inside look at the political, technological, cultural and social revolution that created our modern world.

    Using one of the most iconic puzzles of the 1980s, the Rubik’s Cube, as a storytelling device, the TV trailer highlights different images of world-changing innovations in the 80s, such as the internet, hip hop and mobile phones through the cube. In the spot, the cube is being masterfully played by UK Rubik’s Cube ‘3x3x3 One Handed’ champion Simon Crawford.

    A Rubik’s Cube is also the centerpiece of a print campaign which juxtaposes 21st century and 80s images to show the evolution of the iPod and Spotify, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

    The 60-second TV ad launches this month all over the world together with an extensive multimedia campaign.

    Emanuele Madeddu, Vice President of Creative and Consumer Marketing for NGCI, said: “In reacquainting viewers with the riveting moments of the 1980s, National Geographic Channel’s new series illustrate how the 80s truly shaped the way we live today – minus the shoulder pads. To capture this contemporary take on a decade that holds a unique wonder for viewers around the globe, The Corner and our in-house team developed a clean, strong concept with a clever and thoroughly modern execution.”

    Tom Ewart, Founding Partner at The Corner, commented: “Sometimes the simple ideas are the best. Taking the ultimate 80s icon, the Rubik’s Cube, and using it to tell the story of ten dramatic years that changed our world, has created something wholly relevant and compelling.”

    ‘The ’80s. The Decade That Made Us’ airs in the UK on Sunday May 12th at 8pm on National Geographic Channel.

    Client: Emanual, Madeddu, marketing director, National Geographic Channel
    Creative Advertising Agency: The Corner
    Creative Director: Tom Ewart
    Creative team: Tom Prendergast and Joe Stamp
    Designer Rob Russell
    Business Director: Oliver Morgan
    Directors: Hoku & Adam Sound design
    Production Company: Partizan

  • It's A Family Good Time In New Ad For PS3

    It's A Family Good Time In New Ad For PS3

    The immersive world of PS3 is brought to life in the fantasy fairground setting depicted in the ‘Family Day Out’ TV commercial, which sits at the heart of the new campaign.

    As a family arrives and tours the entertainment stalls, different family members explore rich, interactive experiences demonstrating the proposition that PS3 provides "a world of endless family fun".

    By directly referencing a variety of entertainment and gaming experiences available on the platform – from motion control games on Sports Champions 2, and HD movies on demand such as Ice Age 4, to new ways of playing on Wonderbook and games for everyone such as Little Big Planet Karting, the ad also underlines the promise that PS3 brings the family together – whatever their particular interest or taste.

    The accompanying print execution invites mums to enter the world of PS3 by visiting to discover and learn more about the different features the console offers. Digital creative draws on elements of both the TV and print work to further drive traffic online.

    “With a world of gaming and entertainment titles, this campaign for PlayStation 3 takes a unique take on play, igniting the imagination of our audience to discover a range of new experiences as a family” says Al Moseley, Executive Creative Director at 180 Amsterdam.

    The campaign began airing on December 7 in the UK where it will run until the end of the year, will also be seen in Ireland, Poland, Austria, Russia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Creative Agency: 180 Amsterdam
    Creative Directors: Graeme Hall and Martin Terhart
    Art Director: Robbie Graham
    Copywriter: Rachel Holding
    Production company: Park Pictures
    Directed by: Ben Dawkins
    Post-production: Glassworks, Amsterdam.

  • The Great Barrier Reef [video]

    The Great Barrier Reef [video]

    Welcome to Coal World!

    One of the biggest environmental battles Australia has ever seen is unfolding. The problem is, few are aware of it.

    "Welcome to Coal World" is the animation every Australian and anyone who cares about the future of the planet must watch. This creative masterpiece manages the perfect balance of entertainment and education.

    It could also mean the world of difference for our national treasure, the Great Barrier Reef, which is under threat from an unprecedented expansion of coal mining and exports.

    This newly-released animation is produced by award-winning film maker, Daniel Bird. Daniel won Best Animated Short at Slamdance in 2010 and a prestigious Golden Drum award in 2011. Based in the Czech Republic, he has carved up the scene in Europe and now lends his talents Downunder.

    Category: Public interest;
    Client: Greenpeace Australia Pacific;
    Agency: Daniel Bird;
    Production: Daniel Bird;
    Country: Australia;
    Director: Daniel Bird;
    Copywriter: Daniel Bird;
    Production company: Savage;
    Designer: Jaroslav Mrazek;
    Illustrator: Jaroslav Mrazek.

    The Coal Expansion

  • Gorbachev has urged the American president to repeat reorganisation in America

    Gorbachev has urged the American president to repeat reorganisation in America
    GorbachevClearing of prisoners Guantanama — accident or law? Destruction of vineyards in California — of what does not remind? And turns in food shop of Seattle? The analysis of these and other data unequivocally speaks — to the USA at full speed there is a reorganisation.

    Former Soviet leader Michael Gorbachev hopes, that new US president Barack Obama will undertake reforms and will essentially change the American policy. Already now, for the promised changes in the country, some name Obama "the American Gorbachev"...

    "Own reorganisation" is necessary to America, — Gorbachev in interview to news agency Associated Press has declared. With it some ill-wishers of mister Obama agree also: they recollect, that after Gorbachev's liberal reforms in 1991 Soviet Union has collapsed, and wait, that policy Obamy will lead to the USA to crash.

    ObamaGorbachev, however, is convinced, that strong America is necessary to the world, and financial crisis has clearly shown it. The ex-president of the USSR has urged Washington to use the influence on the blessing of all planet.
    "That is bad for America, is bad for all world", — he has noted.

    Earlier Gorbachev already declared, that only by means of new reorganisation it is possible to win world financial crisis, and also asserted, that the future US president should change seriously a former course to restore balance on a planet.

    Now Gorbachev has added, that many world leaders, including heads of Russia and Iran, aspire to improvement of relations with Washington, and has urged the president not to miss this possibility.

    He has suggested a policy to reconsider the decision on placing of systems ABOUT in Poland and Czechia. Making comments on threat of president Dmitry Medvedev to place a short-range missile in Kaliningrad, Gorbachev has noticed, that it was not attempt to check up on durability of the new US president.
    — It was simple an echo of the past epoch, — he has declared.
    — If you will make it to us, we will answer you the same...
    — It it is not necessary To us.

    PutinSpeaking about, whether Vladimir Putin can return to the Kremlin by early election, Gorbachev has told: "To tell the truth, I do not think...
    It all the same that the United States initiate new elections right after these". He has added, that many Russian consider Putin as stronger leader, but has underlined, that Putin and Medvedev is one command. "To Russia a tandem, a normal tandem, it does not represent danger", — Michael Gorbachev has calmed.

    Related Posts: USA

  • Ancient games: an Olympic factfile

    Ancient games: an Olympic factfile

    As London hosts the 30th modern edition of the Olympic Games, Dr Craig Barker from the University's Nicholson Museum and Michelle Kiss, a Year 10 work experience student from William Carey Christian School, evoke the ancient Olympic spirit with a look at the origins of the world's oldest sporting festival that may provide parallels for the next three weeks of competition in London.

    [Credit: Getty Images]
    • The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC at Olympia in Greece, a sanctuary site devoted to the Greek god Zeus. The ancient Olympics were held every four years, a tradition that remains today. However, whereas cities around the world compete to host the modern games, ancient-world athletes always competed in Olympia.
    • Olympia boomed as the games increased in importance — a statue of Zeus was one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world — before the games were eventually abolished by the Roman emperor Theodosius I in 394 AD, supposedly because they were reminiscent of paganism. While there is much talk of the legacy of London 2012, Olympia and its athletic stadium is an important historical and archaeological site.
    • In 2012, news surfaced that Australia's men's basketball team travelled to London in business class while their female equivalents languished in economy. However, during the first ancient games, gender equality in sport was even worse: women couldn't compete. Competitors were split into two groups, boys (12-18 years) and men (18+ years). Horses were also split into colts and fully grown age groups.
    • While the composition of the crowds of spectators is less well understood, it's likely that only males and young girls were allowed to watch.
    • In antiquity, a lit flame was tended throughout the celebration of the Olympics, and the idea of the fire was reintroduced in 1928 in Amsterdam. Every four years the Olympic flame is lit in front of the Temple of Hera then carried by torch to the host city. The torch relay was not an ancient practice and was introduced at the controversial 1936 Berlin Olympics.
    • Judges were handpicked from people living in Elis, the area surrounding Olympia. The 'Elean Judges' enforced strict rules on the competitors: fines were issued for failing to arrive on time for the training period, cheating and for cowardice.
    • Events in the ancient Olympics included foot races, discus, jump, javelin, boxing, pentathlon, pankration (a blend of boxing and wrestling) and chariot races. Most events, including the races, discus and javelin, took place in the Stadium of Olympia with other events taking place in the surrounding area.
    • Before the start of any Olympic Games a truce would be announced, proclaiming that all wars, disputes and death penalties be put on hold until the end of the games. This truce also guaranteed athletes a safe journey to Olympia in the month leading up to the games. The truce was written on a bronze discus and placed in Olympia. The modern International Olympic Committee has revived the tradition of the truce, and all 193 United Nations member states have, for the first time, united to co-sponsor the Olympic Truce Resolution for the 2012 London Olympics.
    var objHead = document.getElementsByTagName("head");var objCSS = document.createElement("link");objCSS.rel = "stylesheet";objCSS.href = "";objCSS.type = "text/css";objHead[0].appendChild(objCSS);var objCSS = document.createElement("link");objCSS.rel = "stylesheet";objCSS.href = "";objCSS.type = "text/css";objHead[0].appendChild(objCSS);
    Olympia Hotel ReservationDestination


    Rooms :ChildAdult(s)var cal = new Zapatec.Calendar.setup({firstDay: 1,weekNumbers: false,showOthers: true,electric: false,inputField: c_ARRDTHIDDENTXTID,button: c_ARRDTIMGID,ifFormat:"%d/%m/%Y",daFormat:"%d/%m/%Y",numberMonths: 1,monthsInRow: 1,dateStatusFunc: disallowDateBefore});var cal = new Zapatec.Calendar.setup ({firstDay: 1,weekNumbers: false,showOthers: true,electric: false,inputField: c_DEPTDTHIDDENTXTID,button: c_DEPTDTIMGID,ifFormat:"%d/%m/%Y",daFormat:"%d/%m/%Y",numberMonths: 1,monthsInRow: 1,dateStatusFunc: disallowDateAfter});setcurrentdate('EN');doValidation();document.getElementById("htnWidget_btnSearch").style.backgroundColor = "#EBEAEA";
    Sporting controversies are not new! Famous athletes of antiquity included:

    • the sixth-century BC wrestler Milo of Croton, who was said to have died when he was wedged against a tree during a display of strength gone wrong and subsequently devoured by wolves
    • Astylos, also of Croton, who competed at Olympic Games between 488 and 480 BC, but was expelled from his home city when he agreed to compete for Syracuse, and so can lay claim to being the first free-agent in sporting history
    • Roman emperor Nero, who despite being thrown from his chariot in the 10-horse race at the 67 AD games, was still proclaimed the winner on the grounds that he would have won had he been able to complete the race

    Source: The University of Sydney [July 26, 2012]

  • Bridgestone Releases 2012 Super Bowl XLVI Teaser Ads

    Bridgestone Releases 2012 Super Bowl XLVI Teaser Ads

    Bridgestone is among one of the first 2012 Super Bowl XLVI advertisers to start building up the hype to the Super Bowl ad game with a teaser campaign. "Performance Balls and Puck" commercials, launched during the Bridgestone Winter Classic hockey game on NBC. Sports commentators Mike Milbury, Barry Melrose, Dick Vitale and Michelle Beadle compete to be the first to the scoop in the "Time to Perform" press conference.

    The engineers at Bridgestone are about to make a very important announcement: they're going to take their vast knowledge of performance on the road and bring it to the playing fields of the world; a bold move that promises to revolutionize sports as we know it.

    Follow the biggest sports reporters as they try to break the story of how Bridgestone is going to attempt to revolutionize the world of sports by bringing their tire technologies to each sport. Stay tuned at leading up to Super Bowl XLVI. The spot features: Michelle Beadle, Dick Vitale, Barry Melrose, Mike Milbury and Kenny Smith.

    Sports legend Dick Vitale is tracking the Bridgestone story but a rising star in Michelle Beadle thinks she will get the scoop first. Follow the story at to learn more about Bridgestone taking their innovative tire technologies into the world of sports.

    The latest announcement left the world's leading sports announcers speechless and tweet-less.

  • F**k This I’m Off To Greece | Hurry Help Save The Birthplace of the Olympics

    F**k This I’m Off To Greece | Hurry Help Save The Birthplace of the Olympics

    F**k This I’m Off To Greece

    A Campaign by the Ad Agency Mother to Support the Original Home of The Olympics

    As The Games draw to a close, creative agency Mother launches a campaign to shift the nation’s Olympic enthusiasm to the plight of Greece – the troubled birthplace of The Olympics.

    The social media based campaign entitled F**k This I’m Off To Greece is live now and is rallying for Britons to support Greece by buying specially designed t-shirts, and donating directly to the healthcare charity Doctors of the World, through the dedicated Facebook page. All users who simply like the page are in a bid with the chance of winning a two thousand pound holiday to Greece.

    “We’re seeing a country [Greece] where pensioners are forced to rummage around for food in dustbins, with old men shooting themselves due to the economic meltdown there, and so we wanted to do something about it. The London Olympics has caused massive excitement here, and now The Games are almost over we want to get Brits to give something back to the forgotten mother of The Olympics” says Jim Bletsas, Design Director at Mother.

    The charity Doctors of the World has a free healthcare drop-in clinic in Perama, Greece. Originally set up to help struggling migrants access healthcare, it is now seeing over 80% of Greek people, as the country’s health system is in collapse.

    Nikitas Kanakis, President of Doctors of the World Green, said: “The numbers are shocking – around 20 percent of Greeks are living a desperate existence. The number of Greeks seeking survival at community kitchens and medical centres has quadrupled, the number of homeless and those in temporary shelter has tripled. We are talking about the start of a humanitarian crisis.”

    Donations to the charity can be made online to a Just Giving page and via sales of a specially designed t-shirt both of which can be accessed through the campaign’s F**k This I’m Off to Greece Facebook page. The campaign is being run as non-profit and all the proceeds are going directly to Doctors of the World in Greece.

    The Facebook page is live now: and the activity will run online now until the end of the Paralympics in September.

  • Samsonsite VERSUS the World Campaign

    Samsonsite VERSUS the World Campaign

    Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels today launch the latest instalment in the ‘Samsonite VERSUS the World’ campaign. ‘VERSUS’ showcases the latest innovations in travel design and technology that set Samsonite apart from the competition. Brought to life via a series of tongue-in-cheek videos, the POS and instore campaign will also run online from 11th August, 2014.

    Following on from the success of the campaign’s earlier films, the latest work introduces the many features of the Samsonite range by subjecting each product to rigorous, real-life testing. Five new products are put through their paces in a series of unexpected endurance trials in the Samsonite Quality Lab.

    Creative Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels, Alexander Cha’ban said
    “The brief for this project was a great challenge; tell the world that Samsonite products are built to last and endure. Well we decided to go one better and actually show the world by inviting them into the heart of the Samsonite Quality Lab. Then we set about holding Samsonite to their word by letting loose the greatest forces of nature against each innovative feature of their range. The result is a series of quirky and funny videos that really reinforce the strength, resilience and durability that have kept Samsonite at the forefront of the luggage industry for years”.

    Samsonite VERSUS Small Spaces
    The new Pop-FreshTM case is the ideal size for on-board luggage, and the ultimate cabin companion, easily gliding through a high-rise obstacle course of tight spaces.

    Samsonite VERSUS Everything Twice.
    At the centre of the ultimate tug-of-war between tractors, horses and weight-lifters, the new Lite-LockedTMcase remains intact thanks to the innovative Curv® technology and 3-point-lock system, a winning combination of strength and security.

    Samsonite VERSUS International Weather Forecast.
    Whether it’s raining cats and dogs in the UK, buckets in Belgium or nails in Canada, disastrous weather is no match for the Samsonite RainsportTM Umbrella. Constructed of storm-proofed material and innovative ‘floating ribs technology’, the ultra-flexible umbrella keeps the carrier dry in even the most extreme conditions.

    Samsonite VERSUS Boarding Time.
    In a race against time with a remote-controlled car, the new Samsonite X-Pression +TMcase emerges triumphant. The winning feature is the 360° spinning wheels that offer extreme maneuverability to help speed through airport checkpoints with the greatest of ease and agility.

    Samsonite VERSUS Risky Business.
    Even when under attack from flying tennis balls, the new TriForceTM laptop case offers the ultimate protection for your business essentials. With 360° shock absorbing casing and extra corner cushioning for a laptop, the TriForce case will protect against any unexpected falls or bumps.

      Creative Credits:  
    Creative Director: Alexander Cha’ban
    AD: Arnold Hovaert
    Copy: Damien Veys
    Production company: Denzzo
    Production Director :Lars Damoiseaux
    Producers: Jeroen Berx, Bea Catteeuw
    Account Director: Jonathan Moerkens

  • Aksel Lund Svindal "Beyond Reason" Joins Team Oakley

    Aksel Lund Svindal "Beyond Reason" Joins Team Oakley

    Four-time World Champion, Olympic gold medalist and a two-time overall World Cup Champion, Askel Lund Svindal joins Team Oakley. A nicely shot ad entitled "Beyond Reason" tells the story of Aksel on how his life is all about chasing the snow and skiing.

    Norwegian alpine ski champ, Aksel Lund Svindal is a force to be reckoned with. You can find Aksel flying down some the world’s quickest hills at the most insane speeds imaginable. He blows through gates with precision and power, while blazing down the mountain in lightning fast times. Born to a ski family, Svindal quickly refined his craft and rose to the top of the sport. He’s remained there throughout his remarkably successful career, finishing in the top four in World Cup rankings every year since 2006. Svindal is not only a savvy skier. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to business, marketing, product and sponsorships. That’s why it made even more sense for him to join the Oakley team.

    Music was composed and arranged specifically for this commercial by German Wahnsinn.

  • No Child Should Ever Be For Sale TV Ad — World Vision Canada

    No Child Should Ever Be For Sale TV Ad — World Vision Canada

    Durable, strong and adaptable. For $65 you can own a 9-year-old that can work up to 18 hours a day. Some things should never be for sale, but every year over 1.2 million children are sold into slavery. This is the daunting statistic behind the latest ad campaign for World Vision Canada created by ad agency KBS+P and directed by Ben Gregor, OPC FS/ Knucklehead.

    The campaign is is supported by Print and OOH created by KBS+P in conjunction with Real Interactive, who managed the website, digital and social elements.

    Take a look behind the scenes of World Vision Canada's No Child For Sale campaign below.

    Client: World Vision Canada
    Creative Agency: KBS+P
    Associate Creative Director: Mark Lewis
    Associate Creative Director: Nicole Ellerton
    Agency Producer: Alina Prussky
    Production Company: OPC FS / Knucklehead
    Director: Ben Gregor
    Executive Producers: Donovan Boden, Harland Weiss
    Line Producer: Dwight Phipps
    Director of Photography: Doug Kogh
    Digital Production Company: Real Interactive
    Editorial: School Editing
    Editor: Brian Wells
    Transfer: Technicolor
    Colourist: Randy Perry

  • Samsung Celebrates Amazing People In "Create The Future" Ad Campaign

    Samsung Celebrates Amazing People In "Create The Future" Ad Campaign

    Creative advertising agency Fancy Rhino creates a beautiful new ad campaign for Samsung in cooperation with Current TV and Take Part (a subsidiary of Participant Media) showcasing the Galaxy Note II and the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet in action.

    The short film styled ads feature a handful of people in the non-profit world who are doing some pretty amazing work and using good technology to do it. the result is a combination of stories of these social rock stars to the Samsung brand in a powerful way.

    Samsung salutes Adam Braun, CEO and Founder of Pencils of Promise — a non-profit organization that creates schools and uses innovation through technology to provide access to education all over the world.

    Samsung praises SunSaluter — a company that uses innovative technology to energize communities all over the world.

    Matt Flannery of uses technology to connect people all over the world and inspire social action.

    Advertised brand: Samsung
    Advert title(s): Create the Future
    Advertising Agency: Fancy Rhino, Chattanooga, TN, USA
    CCO: Drew Belz
    Creative Director: Caleb Rexford
    Spot Directors: Drew Belz, Isaiah Smallman and Caleb Rexford
    Producer: Take Part
    Graphic Design: Michael Mahaffey
    Director of Photography: Keith Turner and Andrew Aldridge
    Camera: Kelly Lacy, Keith Turner and Andrew Aldridge
    Sound Production Agency:
    Soundtrack Composer: Michael Kendall

  • How To Adapt Your Brand Image Across Languages and Cultures

    How To Adapt Your Brand Image Across Languages and Cultures

    In some respects the business world has never been smaller. Globalization, mass communication and the internet have all put new markets within reach for businesses of all sizes. But linguistic and cultural barriers still remain, and marketers need to take care when venturing across these divides.

    Lost in translation There are numerous instances of companies whose message has been lost in translation. When Pepsi took their slogan “Come alive with the Pepsi Generation” to Taiwan it was mistranslated as “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead” — a claim that even the staunchest of Pepsi fans might have difficulty backing up. Not to be outdone, Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous “Finger lickin' good” was translated into Chinese as “Eat your fingers off.”
    Companies are advised to check that their actual brand and product names give the right impression abroad. Ikea, for example, brought out a mobile work desk for kids. The name 'Fartfull' suggested speed and mobility in Swedish, but caused more of a stink elsewhere.
    Good quality translation is clearly essential when taking your brand abroad. This ideally means working with native speaking translators. They will not only avoid linguistic errors, but can also identify any cultural issues and nuances that might otherwise be missed.
    Attention to detail is obviously important in a major international marketing campaign, but the same rule should also be applied even if you are just localizing your website. Automatic translation tools such as Google Translate can be useful for getting the gist of foreign texts. But they’re prone to misunderstandings, contextual errors, and do not deal well with colloquialisms, slang, linguistic variations or commonly used acronyms and abbreviations.
    English might remain the single most widely used language online, but it still represents only around a quarter of total usage. Studies have shown that customers place far more trust in websites in their own language. Localization can help you break into new markets, but a badly translated site can do as much harm as good.
    Cultural issues There can also be issues arising from a lack of cultural understanding or foresight. As well as translating the language, consider the use of images carefully. Sexually charged images and innuendo can end up being more risky than risqué, and even images that may be considered relatively innocuous in your home market can cause grave offence in another.
    Even the use of color can have different connotations within different cultures. In most of the western world, for example, white is associated with weddings and purity, while in India, Japan and China it is more likely to be associated with death and mourning. In Ireland, orange can have political and religious connotations. Using an inappropriate color scheme is unlikely to cause rioting in the streets but it can set the wrong tone and trigger a negative subconscious response in viewers.

    A knowledge of slang, colloquialisms and naughty words in particular can also come in handy. Like many other companies, Swedish medical suppliers Locum sent Christmas cards to their customers. It's a little touch that can mean a lot — but their seasonally loved up logo took on a different meaning in North America and the UK.
    The above example might have been no more than a faux pas that raised a chuckle and provided a few red faces, but some mistakes are far more serious. They can also occur not just when dealing with foreign markets but also within a single multicultural market.
    In 2002 the British sportswear company Umbro (which would later be bought out by Nike) was forced to withdraw its Zyklon range of running shoes and issue a hasty apology. 'Zyklon' means 'cyclone' in German, which may have been an appropriate name for a running shoe if not for some unfortunate and horrible connotations. Zyklon B was the trade name of the poison used by Nazis to murder Jews and other concentration camp victims during World War II.
    Dr Stephen Smith, co-founder of the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre in Nottinghamshire, said: "Commercial appropriation of words carrying connotations of mass murder is utterly unacceptable.”
    It’s important to give careful thought to potential cultural oversights and misunderstandings. Native-speaking translators can again help avoid mistakes and faux pas and, at the very least, material should be tested with a sample group from the target market. Without a little attention to detail it can be relatively easy for a company to either make itself a laughing stock or, even worse, to cause serious offence and alienate a huge swathe of potential customers.
    About the author Christian Arno is the founder of Lingo24, a top translation service in the USA. Launched in 2001, Lingo24 now has over 150 employees spanning three continents and clients in over sixty countries. In the past twelve months, they have translated over forty million words for businesses in every industry sector, including the likes of MTV, World Bank and American Express. Follow Lingo24 on Twitter: @Lingo24.

  • "The World Is Listening" The Grammys Ad Campaign

    "The World Is Listening" The Grammys Ad Campaign

    The Recording Academy® and TBWA\Chiat\Day have teamed for the sixth year to promote the 55th Annual GRAMMY Awards® with the ad campaign "#TheWorldIsListening." The 55th Annual GRAMMY Awards ( will be held on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013, at the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and will be broadcast live in HDTV and 5.1 surround sound on the CBS Television Network.

    "Slammed Door" featuring Rihanna above and below is "Soundcheck" with The Black Keys and voiceover by Dr. John

    "#TheWorldIsListening" campaign features both established and up-and-coming artists across a variety of print, out-of-home and digital communications, as well as three TV commercials. The first commercial, "Slammed Door," tells five-time GRAMMY® winner and current nominee Rihanna's story. The second commercial, "The World is Listening," features artists including the Kills, Snoop Lion and Taylor Swift alongside emerging artists such as Grace Potter, Kishi Bashi and Dam-Funk. Two-time GRAMMY winners and current nominees the Black Keys will appear in the forthcoming commercial titled "Soundcheck."

    At the heart of this year's "#TheWorldIsListening" campaign is a newly created Web site,, which allows musicians to share their tracks via SoundCloud for a chance to have their music tweeted out by a panel of musical icons, including Linkin Park, RZA, and Snoop Lion. While social media has given musicians more ways to share their sounds than ever before, the online music space is increasingly fragmented. As a result, it gets more difficult for emerging artists to be discovered. "#TheWorldIsListening" campaign and the GRAMMY Amplifier aims to help solve this problem by exposing new artists through social platforms — with the ultimate goal of discovering artists with the potential to be the next generation of GRAMMY winners..

    "This year's campaign highlights the raw emotion and desire of the artist's journey, and is amplified via social media in order to draw more music fans into an engaged music conversation," said Evan Greene, Chief Marketing Officer of The Recording Academy.

    Patrick Condo, Creative Director, TBWA\Chiat\Day, said, "Sure, the music industry embraces fame — but music always comes first. From RZA to Rihanna, to the young girl taking her first piano lesson, it's their passion for the craft that will, ultimately, lead them to the public and then fame. This year's campaign celebrates this passion and the talent as burgeoning artists embark on that quest for fame."

    All of the campaign materials prominently feature the hashtag #TheWorldIsListening, a first in GRAMMY history and a testament to the role of social media with regard to the GRAMMY telecast. In February 2012, the 54th Annual GRAMMY Awards generated more than 13 million social media comments making it the biggest social media event in the history of television at the time.

    "The World Is Listening" 55th GRAMMYs Full Campaign Credits:
    Artists: The Black Keys, Gary Clark Jr., DaM-Funk, The Gaslamp Killer, Jim James, Kaskade, The Kills, Lianne La Havas, Linkin Park, Moon Duo, Nas, Ozzy Osbourne, Papa, Grace Potter, Rihanna, RZA, Simian Mobile Disco, Snoop Lion, Taylor Swift, Anthony Valadez, Warpaint, Patrick Watson, Jonathan Wilson.

    Global Creative President: Rob Schwartz
    Executive Creative Director: Patrick O’Neill
    Creative Directors: Patrick Condo & Bob Rayburn
    Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: Eric Haugen
    Associate Creative Director/Art Director: Kirk Williams
    Art Directors: Hillary Coe, Rebecca Ginos, Katie Dittman
    Executive Director of Integrated Production: Richard O’Neill
    Executive Producer: Sarah Patterson
    Producer/Music Supervisor: Michael Gross
    Assistant Producer: Whitney Fromholtz
    Director of Creative Technology: Ricardo Diaz
    Account Director: Michele Tebbe
    Management Supervisors: Mike Peditto & James Aardahl
    Account Supervisor: Daryl Conui
    Group Planning Director: Rad Tollett
    Digital Strategist: Kyle Luhr
    Business Affairs Managers: KK Davis & Lisa Lipman
    Typography Design: I Love Dust

    Music Supervisor: Liza Richardson
    Creative Technologist: David Riegler
    Tech Lead: Gevorg Ablabutyan
    Senior Developers: Marcelo Duende & Jake Edur
    QA Lead: Lester Broas
    QA Engineer: Walter Velasquez
    Senior Producer: Justin Taylor
    Producer: Kiley Story
    Tech Lead: Mike Bucks
    Technology Manager: John Byrne

    Photographer: James Minchin
    Executive Art Producer: Karen Youngs
    Print Producer: Matthew MacDonald
    Project Managers: Jane Martin, Collin Beckles
    Creative Retouching: Arthaus
    Prepress: E-Graphics

    Director: Saam Farahmand
    Production Company: Furlined
    President: Diane McArter
    VP Executive Producer: Eriks Krumins
    Producer: Dave Robertson
    Original Music, Sound Design, & Mix: Barking Owl
    Creative Director: Kelly Bayett
    Mixer: Brock Babcock
    Sound Design, "Slammed Door" and "Soundcheck": Barking Owl & Michael Anastasi
    Editorial: Arcade
    Editor, "The World is Listening": Kim Bica
    Editor, "Slammed Door" and "Soundcheck": Greg Scruton
    Post Producer: Kirsten Thon-Webb
    Managing Partner: Damian Stevens
    Executive Producer: Nicole Visram
    Assistants: Dean Miyahira, John Jenkins, Pete D'Andrea, Laura Sanford
    Visual Effects: The Moving Picture Company
    Creative Director / VFX Supervisor: Paul O’Shea
    Smoke Artist: Mark Holden
    Telecine Artist: Ricky Gausis
    Producer: Juliet Tierney
    Executive Producer: Asher Edwards

  • Google Chrome "An Awesome World" With Dallas Clayton

    Google Chrome "An Awesome World" With Dallas Clayton

    Dad (and children's book author) Dallas Clayton uses the web to share the inspiring book he wrote for his son with people all over the world, and Google Chrome share his story with their newest ad "An Awesome World".

  • Lynx and Axe Prepare Us For The End Of The World with Lynx 2012

    Lynx and Axe Prepare Us For The End Of The World with Lynx 2012

    Lynx, better known as Axe is taking their Lynx Effect campaign from scantly glad women chasing men to preparing mankind for the 2012 end of the world. Apparently this is it, the final fragrance from Lynx, Axe or whatever they call it depending on what part of the world you live in.

    Now someone correct me if I'm wrong, the Lynx 2012 commercial at about the: 23 second spot as our hero is building his arc is carving a that what I think it is? And you can forget what I said earlier about the sexy women, they show up at about the: 45 second mark, in pairs of course their getting on the arc!