This photo can be often be seen hanging on the wall of many otorhinologist's offices as a poster. It was shot by photographer Jack Bradley, and depicts the exact moment this boy, Harold Whittles, hears for the very first time ever. The doctor treating him has just placed an earpiece in his left ear. Date unknown.
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I attentively listen to you
This photo can be often be seen hanging on the wall of many otorhinologist's offices as a poster. It was shot by photographer Jack Bradley, and depicts the exact moment this boy, Harold Whittles, hears for the very first time ever. The doctor treating him has just placed an earpiece in his left ear. Date unknown.The Miraculous Enlightenment of Kenny Riordon
New ad for Virgin Mobile is actually a cool short animated web film done entirely with Crayons. The ad depicts a young man experiencing a "hangover-esque" night fueled by his decision to cut everything from his life that's costing him too much both emotionally and financially, not the least of which is his cell phone carrier. Credits:
Created by the ad agency: Mekanism, for Virgin Mobile.