bus ads

  • Aspirin Bus Ad "Headache"

    Aspirin Bus Ad "Headache"

    Aspirin ads were wrapped on the backs of buses all around the city of Toronto. The ads used brake lights to exaggerate the pain caused by headaches. When the buses braked, the lights lit up to highlight the throbbing pain. As Toronto is one of the worst cities for traffic, the message especially hit home for commuters stuck behind these buses.

    Advertising Agency: BBDO Toronto, Canada
    Agency website:
    Advertised brand: Aspirin
    Title: Aspirin Headache Lights
    Headline and copy text: "Aspirin Extra Strength for headaches."
    SVP Executive Creative Directors: Carlos Moreno, Peter Ignazi
    Art Director: Jonathan Guy
    Copywriter: Frank Macera
    VP, Account Director: Steve Groh
    Account Supervisor: Nevena Djordjevic
    Production: SGL Communications
    Client: Bayer Inc.

  • Midttrafik "The Bus" — The Coolest Commercial You'll Ever Watch

    Midttrafik "The Bus" — The Coolest Commercial You'll Ever Watch

    Taking the bus has never been cooler than in this funny Danish TV commercial for Midttrafik. The idea behind the campaign by Danish agency M2Film was to make public transportation more attractive, fun and exciting.
    We think they did an excellent job, not only is this coolest bus ever but this could very be the greatest commercial ever created.
    English subtitles added for educational and entertainment purposes.

    Created by the ad agency M2Film
    Kudos to the Copyranter for finding this gem.

  • Young Couple Do The Deed In New Bus Ad From Sweden

    Young Couple Do The Deed In New Bus Ad From Sweden

    Je taime mon bus — is a commercial for Karlstadsbuss new buses in Sweden boasting more than 30% more seating, air conditioning, free wifi and TV. The Bulldozer ad agency created spot references Marilyn Monroe, the love scene from The Naked Gun movie and some heavy moaning.

    We love this spot almost as much as what is still the greatest bus ad ever created for Midttrafik — The Bus from Denmark.

    Creative Advertising Agency: Bulldozer, Karlstad, Sweden