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  • Only for men

    Only for men

    Only for women

    During rush hours many women in Tokyo choose special cars «only for women» to avoid stickings.

    Now many men who are afraid of charges in stickings, reflect on creation of special cars «only for men».
    Ten shareholders of the company «Seibu Holdings», operating capital underground, have submitted the collective demand about creation of cars specially for men.

    «There were many cases of palpation, but were as well false charges in palpation from women», — are spoken in an official statement of initiative group. — «Though enough effectual measures against palpation have been accepted, for example, creation of cars «only for women», is accepted any measures against false charges in palpation… In the spirit of gender equality it was not necessary to create «man's cars».

    The question of false charges in palpation has received loud publicity after in April of this year the Supreme court has cancelled a verdict of guilty concerning the professor who ostensibly felt the girl in a train in Tokyo. Judges have specified in necessity to show care in such cases when the accuser is a unique source of the information on incident.
    However the inquiry of shareholders can be rejected, as board of directors "Seibu" opposes this idea.

    «The validity consists that we have received very few inquiries from passengers concerning creation of such cars», — is spoken in the board answer.
    According to police reports, in 2007 on charge in palpation in Tokyo have been detained about 2000 men.
  • This Is Not Charles Saatchi — "Playful Tiff" By Anonymous British Artist On Display In London

    This Is Not Charles Saatchi — "Playful Tiff" By Anonymous British Artist On Display In London

    Charles Saatchi has always been a proponent of controversial British art, but there is one particularly provocative artwork on the market that that he definitely won’t want in his collection.

    A young British artist (who prefers to remain anonymous) has created a life-size model of Saatchi with a hand outstretched ready to choke anyone who cares to interact with the piece. The work is entitled ‘Playful Tiff’ — the words Charles Saatchi used to describe the infamous incident where he put his hand around his wife Nigella Lawson’s neck at Scott’s restaurant in London. Viewers of ‘Playful Tiff’ are invited to place their neck in Saatchi’s hand and capture the moment by taking a photo on their mobile phones.

    In line with the devilish persona that Saatchi has adopted to promote his book ‘Be The Worst You Can Be’, the model is bright red and replete with horns.

    The artwork is currently on display at the Jealous Gallery In Crouch End in London.