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  • China and the USA have quarrelled because of steel pipes

    China and the USA have quarrelled because of steel pipes

    The Chinese metallurgy

    The Chinese authorities have flayed on September, 10th the decision of the government of the USA on increase in tariffs for import of steel pipes from China.

    On it informs AFP. In China have promised to accept "serious reciprocal measures", but have not specified, in what they will consist.

    On September, 9th the Ministry of Trade of the USA has informed, that imposes penal tariffs not less than in 31% on import of pipes from China. The decision in the ministry have explained complaints of the American manufacturers to metallurgists of China which, using grants of the government, have increased the share in the market of the USA.

    So, with 2006 for 2008 import to the USA from China of pipes which are used on oil and gas deposits, has grown for 203%. In 2008 the volume of export of given production has made an order of 2,6 billion dollars.

    In April seven American steelmaking companies and trade union of workers of a steel industry of USA United Steelworkers already complained of the Chinese metallurgists to US authorities. According to the American corporations, the increase in export of steelmaking production from China has caused a damage of activity of the American manufacturers and already costed to them more than two thousand workplaces.

    In June of current year the administration of the USA has submitted the first from the moment of election as the president of the country of Barack Obama the complaint to the WTO on actions of China. The complaint is connected with unfair, according to the American authorities, restriction of export of raw materials from China (in particular, bauxites and zinc), that gives advantages to the Chinese manufacturers. The raw materials become more accessible to the Chinese companies and decrease in the price.

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