Here is an interesting analysis of the AXE Susan Glenn commercial, it is lengthy but you can't help but watch it (a few times myself) know matter what your views are on the whole Illuminati and Symbolism thing.
The Groxt has his own interpretation of the Illuminati and the symbolism found within the Susan Glenn Axe spot, he claims and actually makes some very compelling points that show the rapture, earthquake, day of the lord and on and on...
Personally, I enjoyed the fact of just how detailed he was in dissecting the spot frame by frame. Discovered via: Agency Spy
DBA is Denmark's biggest marketplace for classified goods and owned by eBay. An analysis conducted by Epinion for DBA revealed that the Danes have used goods equivalent to more than 20 billion Danish kroner (approx. 2,7 billion Euro) lying around in cabinets and attics, that is just slowly losing value.
To stop this madness DBA created a content site in order to inspire Danes to do something about this major waste of resources. To launch the site we developed two films, one targeted at men, one targeted at women. The films points out the grotesque in having all these values lying around and involves two real Danes, the content of their attics, a Fender Stratocaster, an RS-40 Shredder, a celebrity designer wedding dress and a weed burner.
Content containing the two participants Maria and Christian, where they tell about their stuff and why they did not sell it will follow up the two films. DBA will also launch a competition where you can only participate by buying their actual stuff.
Some interesting facts from the Epinion analysis: · Danes estimate they have 291 things in average that they no longer use · 57% don’t do anything about it, because they feel it is difficult and time-consuming to sell the stuff · 44% feel it is not worth to sell it · However 63% thinks second hand will be a more popular in the future
This campaign for DBA is created by Danish agency Robert/Boisen & Like-minded ( Internationally known for the ‘Do it for Denmark’ and ‘Do it for mom’ campaigns.
The Credits: Robert/Boisen & Like-minded (Ad agency): Søren Christensen, Strategist Heinrich Vejlgaard, Creative Director René Sohn Kammersgaard, Art Director Gitte Andersen, Account Manager
Gobsmack Productions (Film production) Christina Bostofte Erritzøe, Producer Cille Silverwood-Cope, Production Peter Harton, Director Laust Trier-Mørk, DOP Ole Krogstad, Editor Mike Bothe, Grader Magnús Sveinn Jónsson, Visual Effects Ole Krogstad, sounddesign