
  • The Hangover

    The Hangover


    Happy Man

    Alka-Seltser positioning in the former Soviet Union countries is a remedy against hangover. That gives a lot of inspiration for ads. A hangover can be very dangerous, that's why you need a remedy that will quickly get everything in order.

    The Ukrainian agency PROVID (former PROVID/BBDO) proceeds with its anti-hangover campaign with a new, New Year image.

    Advertised brand: Alka-Seltzer;
    Advertising Agency: PROVID (Kiev, Ukraine);
    Creative Director: Kirill Chichkan;
    Art Director: Denis Music;
    Copy-writer: Sergii Zinoviev;
    Photographer: Igor Chursin;
    Post Production: Denis Music.

    Re-imagining Alka-Seltzer