ShowBusinessMan + Ray-Ban

DDB Brussels Launches the #nofilterjustrayban Ray-Ban Project

Ray-Ban Belgium and DDB Brussels have launched a new campaign that makes creative use of public transportation to communicate Ray-Ban's wide range of polarized color lenses: from sky blue to hot pink.

In all major Belgian cities, trams have been redesigned into "Ray-Ban Test-Drive Trams" that let you discover the city through different Ray-Ban color lenses.

Tapping into the use of filters on mobile platforms like Instagram, posters inside the tram invite travellers to share their pictures of the city with #nofilterjustrayban.

Campaign: #nofilterjustrayban
Creative Ad Agency: DDB Brussels
Client: Ray-Ban Belgium (Luxottica Group)
Marketing Manager: Dagmar Sleuwaegen
Agency: DDB Brussels
Creative Director: Peter Ampe
Creation: Gertjan De Smet
Account Manager: Gertjan De Smet
Strategic planner: Maarten Van Daele
Head of Digital: Geert Desager
Online producer: Simon De Pauw, Sevenedge
Experience Architect: Maarten Breda
Graphic Designer: Arnaud Hemroulle
Production company: Lijncom, JCDecaux, Clear Channel
Photographer: Mary-Ann Koninckx, Yannick Tielemans
Media: website, transit, social media

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DDB Brussels Launches the #nofilterjustrayban Ray-Ban Project + Ray-Ban