A entire day in the life of NBA star Lebron James and his Samsung Galaxy Note fit in this 90 second commercial, and its a good day.

AGENCY: 72andSunny
CEO/ECD: John Boiler
Executive Creative Directors: Jason Norcross/Frank Hahn
Lead Writer: Patrick Maravilla
Lead Designer: Brandt Lewis
Director of Film Production: Sam Baerwald
Senior Film Producer: Nicole Haase
Business Affairs: Christine Claussen / Saeyoung Kim / Michael Moronez/Christina Rust
Group Brand Director: James Townsend
Brand Manager: Andy Silva
Brand Coordinator: Nadia Economides
PRODUCTION: Anonymous Content
Director: Mark Romanek
Executive Producer: Eric Stern
Producer: Aris McGary
EDITORIAL: Arcade Edit
Editors: Paul Martinez
Managing Partner: Damian Stevens
Executive Producer: Nicole Visram
Producer: Amburr Farls
Executive Producer: Michael Pardee
Creative Director: Rob Trent
Lead Flame: Miles Essmiller
Flame: Brad Scott, Stefan Smith, Chris Moore, Trent Shumway, Michael Vaglienty, David Parker, Justin Blaustein
Roto: Chris Cortese
Producers: Marlo Baird Kinsey, Stacy Kessler Aungst
Artists: Tom Poole
MUSIC: “Keep on Pushing” Curtis Mayfield
Sound Designer: Michael Anastasi
Executive Producer: Kelly Bayett
MIX: Play Studios
Executive Producer: Lauren Cascio
Mixer: John Bolen & Ryan Sturup
Assistants: Hermann Thumann
When LeBron James was choosing his next smartphone, he wanted something unique—something that would turn heads but could also make day-to-day tasks effortless. Something that had all the functional capabilities of a smartphone and all the creative elements of a tablet. With its fine-tuned S Pen, enhanced multitasking functions, and beautiful 5.5" Super Amoled screen, the Galaxy Note II was the Best of Both. Learn more about why Lebron chooses the Note II as his everyday device, and join the community at www.facebook.com/SamsungMobileUSA.