From New York to Tokyo, from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, any city in the world has its people that represent their home, their passions, their ambitions and their joy of life is the theme of the newest Adidas Origianls, "All Originals Represent" commercial/ad. The spot features the Nicki Minaj song "Masquerade" and features Nicki Minaj, Jeremy Scott, Big Sean, Sky Ferreira, 2NE1, Kids These Days and Derrick Rose representing their crew in the ad.

Production Agency: Jimmy
Post-Production: The Cutting Room / Jimmy / Vision Globale
Production House: Pretty Bird
Director: Melina Matsoukas
Dp: Frederik Jacobi
Grading: Company 3
Editors: Chuck Willis, Merritt Duff, Jimmy
Sound Design And Mix: Machine Head, Boogie Studio
Music: Nicki Minaj "Masquerade"