Original story via Jeff Green, Toronto Star reporter.
Toronto’s terrible commuters, you’ve been warned: move your bags or get ready for some public shaming.
A lifelong TTC rider has turned to social media, taking aim at seat hogs on the TTC. He’s created a new blog, posting photos of riders who steal an extra seat for their lunch bags, purses, backpacks and even dogs.
“I hope your bag is comfortable, a--hole” is a Tumblr blog self-described as “a passive-aggressive reminder that people are the worst.”
“All I’m doing is saying what you’re saying in your head, out loud,” said the blog’s creator, Michael Takasaki, 42, with a laugh.
He admits the language he uses to criticize people’s subway etiquette can be a bit foul, but says he’s just saying what everyone is thinking.
“Why not just call it what it is?” he asks.
Created in March, the blog has more than 40 photos of riders with everything from their lunches to purses, grocery bags, a hockey helmet, a mop bucket and a dog taking up an extra seat on buses, streetcars or the subway.
Photos aren’t just taken by Takasaki himself; he’s also receiving and publishing online submissions from other, similarly disgruntled riders. Takasaki, who works as a senior copywriter, said there’s been a bit of backlash to the public shaming, but for the most part the response has been positive — even from TTC’s head office.
“Public transit requires public contributions that go beyond fares/taxes. Thank you for your contribution,” tweeted TTC spokesman Brad Ross.
“The public does have a say, and they’re not shy in letting us know,” Ross said Thursday.
Takasaki said he’s not the confrontational type, and that he’s doesn’t want to lecture people on how to ride the rocket, though he tries to be a good example.
“I could be the only person on the subway and my bag is on my lap,” Takasaki said. “This isn’t an anti-bag-on-seat thing for me, it’s an anti-a--hole thing.”
Takasaki said he’ll keep the blog going until he’s bored of it. While he’s aware people have called him a whiner and advised him to pull up his “big boy pants,” he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Don’t take it too seriously,” said Takasagi. “I certainly don’t.”
The TTC Rider shame site — http://ihopeyourbagiscomfortableasshole.tumblr.com/
Michael is a Sr. Copywriter at Union, see some of the great work he has done for clients like Nabob, Audi and Pro-Line here at www.mikeandglen.com