Pantsula vs. Puppets is Sean Metelerkamp’s first job since joining Cape Town production company Fly On The Wall. Sean shot this Diesel + EDUN fashion film for Vice Magazine in Soweto, that features The Real Action Dance Crew and the soundtrack is Ndekha, by The Very Best & Moroka.

Sean directed the original Die Antwoord music video, Zef Side, which has just under 14 million views on YouTube; won a D&AD Yellow Pencil for Best Music Video; and won The YouTube Play competition. Since then, Sean’s exhibited at The Guggenheim museums in New York, Bilbao, Venice and Berlin; had art residencies in New York; signed to agencies in London, Los Angeles and Paris; and been profiled in Playboy and Shots.
His recent photographic work includes documenting Monte Rosa old-age home and Noupoort rehabilitation centre, as well as Skeef Reënboog, shot across South Africa on borrowed and disposable film cameras. Sean’s also been recording street melodies from homeless people in Cape Town, New York and London.
“I love and respect Sean’s work,” says fellow director Bryan Little, who co-founded Fly On The Wall in 2004 with producer Filipa Domingues and cinematographer Grant Appleton. “He has always been a friend and someone who shared space and philosophies with us. He makes interesting, relevant work that blows people’s minds.”
Client: Diesel
Creative Ad Agency: Vice
Director: Sean Metelerkamp — His Reel
Producer: Filipa Domingues
Art Director: Latisha Duarte
Agency Producers: Posy Dixon / Jacqui Kavanagh
Song: Ndekha by The Very Best & Moroka