The sea has called for billions of years. But for the first time, she's calling on a Shellphone and this makes for a great new web ad/commercial campaign for Royal Caribbean Cruises.
Client: Royal Caribbean
Spot Title: The Sea is Calling
Ad Agency: JWT
ECD: Richie Glickman
Copywriter(s): Larry Silberfein, Paul Fix
Art Director(s): Georgina Hofmann, Carlos Fernandez
EP: Kristen Barnard
Producer: Shane Smith
Prod Co: East Pleasant
Director: Xander™
DP: Damien Drake
EP: Sarah Roebuck
Producer: James Blom
Editorial Co: Pleasant Post
Editor: Will Znidaric
EP: Sarah Roebuck
Producer: Natalie Rose
Post/Effects Co: Artjail
Lead Flame Artist: Steve Mottershead
Flame Artist: Graham Holly
EP: Leslie McCartney
Telecine Co: Pleasant Post
Colorist: Tristan Kneschke
EP: Sarah Roebuck
Producer: Natalie Rose
Music Co: Pulse
Composer(s): Dan Kuby ASCAP, Saunder Jurriaans SESAC, Danny Bensi ASCAP
Publisher: Kuby Tunes ASCAP
EP: Dan Kuby
Producer: Dan Burt
Sound Design/Audio Post Co: JWTwo
Sound Designer/Mixer: Andy Green
Producer: Greg Tiefenbrun
Shoot Location: New York City, NY; Austin, TX; Portland, ME; Chicago, IL