Dr. Phil is the voice of reason in the one of three new ads for Acura and "Season of Reason" campaign. Watch for Suze Orman and Santa Claus himself to star in the other 2 spots from the campaign.
The spots, shot by Park Pictures Director Alison MacLean, put a bulls-eye on the self-indulgent impulse buys that are a hallmark of holiday culture. Dr. Phil, starring in his first-ever commercial, Suze Orman or Santa screech up in an Acura just in time to stop wild-eyed shoppers from unloading their wallets to take home a new dress, a giant Christmas tree or an animatronic Santa. The intervention continues as the ambassadors usher their students into the car and, during a high-speed ride, talk them out of their unreasonable purchases and remind them to instead opt for the smarter decision. The voice-over spokesman, actor James Spader, then says, “This holiday, listen to the voice of reason. Acura’s Season of Reason sales event.”

Client: Acura
Spot Titles: "Ornamental"
Agency: rp&
Exec VP, Executive Creative Director: John Hage
VP, Head of Art: Phillip Squier
Senior Copywriter: Jimbo Embry
Senior Art Director: Josh Gilman
VP, Executive Producer: Jack Epsteen
Production Company: Park Pictures
Director: Alison MacLean
Director of Photography: Michael Fitzmaurice
Visual Effects: Brewster Parsons
Editorial: Rock Paper Scissors
Editor: Carlos Arias
Sound Design: Robot Repair
Music: Elias Arts
via: Trust Collective