So what's new in the coffee world? Thanks to a Canadian and founder of "Black Ivory Coffee" Blake Dinkin, there is an insanely new coffee that not only passes through an elephants digestive system (that's right elephant dung!) this coffee is so exclusive it sells for an incredible $1100 a kilo.
Dinkin says he's heard all the jokes, "There's always going to be an element of [poop] jokes in doing Black Ivory Coffee," Dinkin told the Associated Press. "But the reason why it's taken me nine years to develop this is I'm really trying to make a serious product."

Ten years in the making, BLACK IVORY COFFEE is created through a process whereby coffee beans are naturally refined by Thai elephants at the Golden Elephant Triangle Foundation in Chiang Saen, northern Thailand. It begins with selecting the best Thai Arabica beans that have been picked from an altitude as high as 1500 meters. Once deposited by the elephants, the individual beans are hand-picked by the Mahouts and their wives and then sun-dried and roasted. Approximately 10,000 beans are picked for each kilogram of roasted coffee; thus, 33 kilograms of coffee cherries are required to produce just one kilogram of BLACK IVORY COFFEE.
As a result of our commitment to elephant conservation and welfare, 8% of our sales will help fund a specialist elephant veterinarian to provide free care to all the elephants of Thailand through the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation. Additional funds will also be used to purchase medicine as well as to build a new laboratory.
Production of BLACK IVORY COFFEE also provides valuable income generation for the wives of the mahouts to help cover health expenses, school fees, food, and clothing.
And, this crap ain't cheap, in some five-star luxury Thai resorts a serving sells for $50 a cup!