A new app, but just any app and online ad campaign for "If I Die 1st" which gives you the opportunity for world fame through your death...Just when I thought I'd seen it all.
The "if i die" app allows users to leave a final message to be published after they die. After leaving your message, users simply choose close Facebook friends & family
to be their Trustees — In charge of reporting their passing away.
The if i die 1st campaign actually launches a new exciting feature: Personal Messages,
which enable users to have a message sent to anyone they choose, via email.

Advertising Agencies: twentythree and Mizbala
twentythree Creative Partners: Erez Rubinstein, Yossi Tzarfati
Mizbala Executive Creative Director: Dori Ben-Israel
Animation: Yuval Meron
Music: Lee Curreri (AKA Bruno Martelli from TV series FAME)
Programming: Raviv Cohen (Go-Public)
Client: Willook
Willook CEO & Founder: Eran Alfonta