Who babysits the babysitter? In a new video promoting the American Red Cross’ Babysitting Basics online course, Tool Director Erich Joiner takes viewers through a tour of worst-case scenarios for childcare amateurs and parents alike.
Do you know how to calm a crying baby? Or how to handle a conflict between two children? How about what to do if a child has a tummy ache? These babysitters didn't know the answers to these questions. You can learn how to help kids have fun, while keeping them safe and following household rules with Babysitting Basics online course and Babysitter's Training classroom course from the Red Cross.
Client: American Red Cross
Spot Title: “The Babysitter You Don’t Want to Be”
Air Date: May 2013
Agency: BBDO, Atlanta
EVP, Management Director & Chief Marketing Officer: Rob Cherof
SVP, Executive Creative Director: Cabot Norton
Account Supervisor: Erica Schmidt
Senior Account Executive: David Welday
Broadcast Producer: Todd Johnson
Art Director: Christy Schneider
Senior Copywriter: Scott Biear
Broadcast Business Manager: Ashley Cummins
Production Company: Tool
Director: Erich Joiner
EPs: Brian Latt, Dustin Callif, Oliver Fuselier
Editorial: Beast Atlanta
Executive Producer: Molly Baroco
Editor: Kyle Kramb
Assistant Editor: Brandon Danowski