Work It Kitty, a great multi-phase campaign for the Temptations cat treat full press and credits below:

The cat’s out of the bag! The makers of TEMPTATIONS® treats, the irresistible snack cats love, is shaking up the feline fitness world in order to encourage Canadians to get more active with their cats. The leading Canadian cat treat brand quietly soft-launched its WORK IT KITTY™ campaign with the release of a cat workout/music video and microsite.
The WORK IT KITTY™ video is the exclusive meowzercise workout for cats and features fictional characters Kate and George— cat hotel owners and premier cat workout professionals. Reminiscent of a 1980s workout, sweatbands included, cathletes Banjo, Fritz, Harley, Pumpkin and Tom, demonstrate the hottest feline fitness moves, including ‘paw rotations’; ‘jumping box squats’; and ‘paw extensions’.
“The TEMPTATIONS® All Natural treats brand wants to encourage Canadians to find simple ways to keep their cats active in a fun way,” says Brittany Compton, Senior Brand Manager, TEMPTATIONS®, Mars Canada Inc. “The WORK IT KITTY™ campaign video and microsite have generated great consumer response, and we’re thrilled that the campaign is gaining so much organic attention.
The WORK IT KITTY™ campaign, created by the TEMPTATIONS® treats’ creative agency DDB Chicago, officially supports the TEMPTATIONS® All Natural treats product portfolio.

Created in partnership with Ultra Music and produced by Biscuit Filmworks, the WORK IT KITTY™ video features the song I Don’t Wanna Dance by Alex Gaudino ft. Taboo. The video was seeded out to consumers through Ultra Music’s YouTube channel and encourages viewers to visit The video and microsite are currently supported with public and media relations by Fleishman-Hillard Toronto, and Proximity Canada is communicating the campaign through the TEMPTATIONS® treats Canada Facebook page.
The WORK IT KITTY™ campaign officially launches mid-July 2013 and targets Canadian cat owners and lovers, ages 18-49 years old. It will feature the video repurposed into a national, English and French 15 second ad by DDB Chicago that will run on a national television and pre-roll media buy co-ordinated by MediaCom. Match Ignite developed and will execute an in-store UPC collection and redemption promotion and in-store display tools as well as mass direct-to-target consumer sampling.
Agency Credits:
Client: Mars Canada Inc. TEMPTATIONS® All Natural Treats
Creative Ad Agency: DDB, Chicago
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Andreas Nilsson
Managing Director: Shawn Lacy
Music Video Seeding: Ultra Music
Public Relations: Fleishman-Hillard Toronto
Media Buy: MediaCom
In-Store Marketing / Direct-to-Consumer Sampling: MatchIgnite
Facebook: Proximity, Canada