Watch this short trailer and see the Coca-Cola #PolarBears as you've never seen them before. The trailer is a preview to the short film featuring the beloved Polar Bears and the new Coca-Cola Polar Bears film produced by Ridley Scott.
The full 7 minute clip is below. "The Polar Bears," tells the story of the bear family that has appeared in Coke commercials since the "Always Coca-Cola" campaign first debuted in 1993. While polar bears have been part of the print ads for Coke since 1922, the campaign put the polar bears front and center and now we hear them speak to each other and learn their names in this wonderful short film.
Below, one of the 30 second ads taken from the film that will air on TV, simply entitled "Polar Bears".

Produced by Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, and Michael Costigan
Directed by John Stevenson