Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens secures his place in history as not only a member of Super Bowl XLVII Championship team but the latest member of the Got Milk? Milk Mustache family.
Rice is featured in the 17th annual national Milk Mustache "got milk?" Campaign Super Bowl winner ad, as he celebrates his win with a protein-packed breakfast. An 8 oz. glass of milk is packed with nine essential nutrients, including eight grams of high-quality protein. Protein at breakfast can help power you through the morning.
The print ad is featured in today's USA Today, the joint ad copy reads, "Now that it's over, there's only one thing I want to do. Repeat. But next season, every other team will be chasing us. So I fuel up to play 60 with the protein in milk. This morning and every morning. That's worth repeating, too."
Deutsch, A Lowe and Partners Company, is the creative agency for the National Milk Mustache "got milk?" Campaign.