Paxo has cherished Christmas for over 100 years, and is looking forward to helping everyone celebrate this festive season yet again. The advert features one Thomas Vasey of the Vasey Turkey Farm, who takes advantage of the genuine phenomenon that when you shout at a flock of turkeys they answer you.

So, with the help of McCann London, they’ve created a darkly funny online commercial where even turkeys can’t wait to be stuffed with Paxo at Christmas.
The film, directed by Steve Reeves at Another Film Company, was shot for real on a genuine free range turkey farm and uses the hilarious phenomenon where if you shout at a flock of turkeys, they will answer you in a volley of gobbles.
In the ad, a Paxo representative disguised as a turkey stands up in front of a barn full of the birds and addresses them like a political leader at a rally. And with his masterful oration skills, he manages to convince them to vote for Christmas.
Everyone’s looking forward to a Paxo Christmas. Everyone.
‘The Turkey Whisperer’ will run online and though social media channels from December 3rd.
Javier Gomez, Art Director at McCann London, said: “I have been fascinated by turkeys and their gobbling for years.”
Creative Ad Agency — McCann, London
Copywriter – Mike Oughton
Art Director – Javier Gomez
Agency Producer – Claire Amos
Director – Steve Reeves
Producer – Tim Marshall
DOP – Oliver Schofield
Editor – Scott Crane @ The Quarry
Sound – Tim Sutton, Craft
Post Production — Craft