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Hollywood Actress: Audrey Horne (from the television show Twin Peaks)

Audrey Horne

Style Icon: Audrey Horne

My most recent style icon just so happens to be a fictional character - Audrey Horne from the television show Twin Peaks! The show, created by David Lynch and Mark Frost, ran from 1990 until 1991. It follows an FBI agent's investigation of a young woman's murder in the small town of Twin Peaks. I started watching the show on Netflix this summer and I was hooked from the start! There's all kinds of great drama, as well as lots of humor, too.

Audrey, the daughter of a wealthy hotel owner, was played by the super beautiful Sherilyn Fenn. Ah, just look at how perfect those brows are! Who wouldn't want to be this girl?

Style Icon: Audrey Horne

Audrey's look is all about the sweater. She's often seen sporting tight-fitting sweaters in soft colors: perfect for fall! The addition of the saddle shoes to this outfit make it so perfect. Sweet and fun. For anyone who thinks that a sweater and skirt combo is "too stuffy", or "too preppy", just take a gander at this next photo:

Actress Audrey Horne

Um, hello! How sexy is that look? She looks great - super polished and very classy. Now if only I could learn to tie a cherry stem with my tongue... (Oh yeah, she looks great in a Little Black Dress, too!)

Aside from having great fashion sense, Audrey Horne is cool, intelligent, and confident. I think that makes her a pretty great style icon, wouldn't you say so?

actress, Audrey Horne, fashion, Hollywood, icon, movie, style, sweater, and more:

Hollywood Actress: Audrey Horne (from the television show Twin Peaks) + television